💜 After A Nightmare 💜

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+ You have a nightmare that you're scared the most, like ghosts etc.
+ You eventually woke up
+ You're shaking profusely
+ "Y/N?"
+ You got startled
+ "Why are you still awake?"
+ "I wasn't,"
+ "Woke up from a nightmare?"
+ "Yeah,"
+ "Wanna talk about it?"
+ You telling him what happen while cuddling
+ Comforting you
+ Mumbling sweet things to you

+ You have a nightmare of him dying
+ "AH! No!"
+ You woke up shook with a scream
+ He was startled
+ "Y/N?"
+ "AH NO! No, don't touch me,"
+ You're eventually paranoid
+ "Its okay Y/N, I'm here,"
+ Him hugging you
+ Massaging the back of your head
+ "I had a nightmare of you dying,"
+ "Thats not going to happen,"
+ "What if its a signal?"
+ "No its not, its not going to be real,"
+ Him kissing you in your forehead
+ Falling asleep because of the security and comfort he gave you

+ You have a nightmare of you dying
+ You woke up traumatized
+ Tears started to fall down your face
+ You go to the bathroom
+ You cried there
+ **Door Squeaking
+ "Hey what are you doing here Y/N?"
+ "Nothing,"
+ "Why are you crying?"
+ "I just have a nightmare,"
+ "About what?"
+ "M-me, d-dying,"
+ He stood there shook
+ He came near you
+ He hugged you closer at his chest
+ "You're okay, I'm not going to let that happen to you,"
+ Him comforting you till you fell asleep

+ You have a nightmare of your most fear
+ You go to the corner of the room
+ cried every time you thought of it
+ You saw Jack waking up
+ "What are you doing Y/N?"
+ "I'm j-just, um,"
+ "Did you have a nightmare?"
+ " No, n-no I don't,"
+ " You can tell me,"
+ telling him what happen
+ Led to a cuddling session
+ Lots of 'I love yous'

+ You having a nightmare about him having a serious illness
+ " NO! NO!"
+ You crying
+ "Whats happening Y/N?"
+ "N-nothing, go back to sleep,"
+ "Come on, you can tell me,"
+ " Its just a nightmare,"
+ Him being worried for you
+ Brought you a tea, or a hot chocolate
+ Ended up staying late watching Netflix

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