🌱 When there's a cockroach 🌱

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+ Both of you screaming so loud
+ You both don't know who's going to kill it
+ "Y/N kill it!"
+ "No way!"
+ "Here, a slipper kill it now!"
+ "You're the male right?! You're suppose to be the one who kills it,"
+ "I'm not gonna even dare to get near that thing,"
+ The cockroach was weirded out so it left

+ You found the cockroach crawling on the bathroom walls
+ "Wyatt!!!"
+ "What? What is it?!"
+ "Kill the motherfucking cockroach!"
+ "No fucking way!"
+ You grab a slipper and killed it by yourself
+ It fell on the floor
+ You held it on the antennae (** I actually do this..)
+ Then tossed it to him for being a coward
+ "Y/N no!!"

+ "Finn!!!"
+ "What?!"
+ "Kill the cockroach!"
+ "Get me a slipper, this bitch is going to have a taste of death!"
+ You gave him a slipper
+ He hit it but didn't killed it
+ It ended up flying to the room
+ "Finn! You should've killed it!"
+ "I tried okay?!"
+ It landed on his back
+ "Get the motherfucking thing off!!!"
+ The cockrach fall back on the floor
+ He straight up killed it
+ Being proud of himself for being your hero

+ "Ahhh! COCKROACH!"
+ "What? Where?"
+ "Jack kill it!"
+ "No I won't!"
+ "Don't be a pussy!"
+ "Its a living thing! Why would you want to kill it?"
+ "I'll kill it myself then,"
+ "No, don't, its have been pit here by God, it must be here for a reason,"
+ Him talking in a soothing voice
+ You killed it with a shoe
+ "NOOOO! You're a monster!"
+ "What the fuck?!"
+ "You killed it!"
+ "Then be with that bitch!"
+ Him being so dramatic of you killing it

(i can't think of anything tbh, its literally 12:28 in the morning, and I'm fucking sleepy, like my brain isn't functioning properly)

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