💥 Reacting to Your Hickeys 💥

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+ You looking at the mirror
+ "What the hell Jaeden?!"
+ "What?!"
+ Looking at your hickeys
+ "I'm so sorry,"
+ Him apologizing what he's done
+ "But, whats that?"
+ "Does it hurt?"
+ "That looks like bruises!"
+ "Oh no, I'm so sorry,"
+ Him worrying because of the hickeys he gave you

+ You trying the new sports bra you brought online
+ "Wyaattt!!"
+ Him on his phone
+ "What the fuck is it Y/N?!"
+ "How Am I suppose to wear this? If I have loads of this covered in me?!"
+ "Woah! Just wear it like that,"
+ "What the hell Wyatt?!"
+ "So they know I already marked my property,"
+ "I'm so disappointed,"
+ Him placing his head at the crook of your neck
+ "Y/N, I'm so sorry,"
+ "Okay okay,"
+ "I'll let you borrow my hoodie, ok?"
+ "Really?!"
+ "Yeah,"
+ "Thank you, thank you!"
+ Him ended up giving you two hoodies

+ "Finn?"
+ "Yeah?"
+ "So, Do you think you went a little far?"
+ "Oh shoot, I'm so sorry,"
+ "Its okay,"
+ But tbh, you look like a work of art right now,"
+ "Ugh, how am I going to wear my bikini in our upcoming beach trip?"
+ "Just cover them up with waterproof concealer,"
+ "Theres no such thing Wolfhard,"
+ "Oh, I thought those exists,"
+ Him throwing you an oversized shirt from his closet
+ "Those are new,"

+ You checking yourself in front of the mirror
+ Jack walking in on you
+ "Uh hey Y/N? Do you have a-"
+ "I hope you're happy with what you intended Grazer, marking your territory,"
+ "I'm such a great boyfriend!"
+ "Uhuh,"
+ Him literally proud of himself
+ Will give you something to cover it up

+ You and Chosen going to a dinner reservation
+ "Y/N! Lets go, we'll be late!"
+ "Can you wait?"
+ "Whats taking you so long?"
+ "I'm taking care of this!"
+ Shows him your hickeys
+ "I'm so sorry Y/N,"
+ "I was going to wear this sparkly dress,"
+ "Then you can wear another dress,"
+ "All of my dress shows this thing,"
+ "Oh, so no choice?"
+ "Nope,"
+ "I'll just cancel it,"
+ "Are you sure?"
+ "Yeah, we'll just go to Mcdonalds,"
+ "Really? I'm okay with that,"
+ Him teasing you about it
+ But such a gentleman

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