🌷 You Reading a Smut about Them 🌷

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(Again, I got the theme from cinnabara he makes AMAZING preferences asf. So check him out! I'm so sad his preferences are ending.)

+ "What the fuck is this?!"
+ "Are you really reading this?!"
+ Being mad of the idea of it
+ "Why does this stuff exist?!"
+ Him ranting about how dirty you were
+ "Like we do this every week, why do you have to read this?"

+ Snatches your phone
+ Starts reading it
+ "Y/N, explain this to me,"
+ "Uhhhh,"
+ "Why are you reading this? You could have just ask!"
+ "Ummm,"
+ Throws your phone away
+ Pins you to the wall
+ "I can make that smut into reality, I can do better than that, besides that was never true, they never felt me anyways."

+ "What ya reading?"
+ "Just uhh,"
+ Him snatching your phone
+ "Hahahaha! you're reading this Y/N?!"
+ "I guess so,"
+ "Do you think this is real?"
+ "No?"
+ "Okay enough, clothes off, hands and knees on the bed."
+ "We're doing this now?"
+ "NOW!"

+ Borrows your phone
+ You didn't exit on what you were reading
+ "Uhhh, Y/N?"
+ "Yeah?"
+ "Why are you reading this?"
+ "Oh shit."
+ "Can I read the best part?"
+ "JACK NO."
+ "Jack insert to Y/N, and tried to adjust to his size. Since he was so bi-"
+ Him laughing alot
+ You snatched your phone away from him
+ Gave him a seductive look to turn him on
+ You walking out
+ "I can do that to you later! I can make you adjust to my size!"

+ "What the fuck are you reading?!"
+ "Well this is the last time I will think of you as PURE."
+ Him blushing profusely
+ "Well of you want, we can,"
+ "Not today Chosen,"

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