🎇 You left your Bra in their house 🎇

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• Jaeden •
+ "Um, Jae?"
+ "Yeah?"
+ "Do I left something here?"
+ "Yeah."
+ Him giving you your bra
+ Blushing so hard
+ Before he even hands you it he fainted
+ DeD!

• Wyatt •
+ "Hey Y/N you left something here,"
+ "Oh yeah? What is it?"
+ Shows you your bra
+ "I was about to keep this, but I don't want to see someone looking at those, for not wearing this"
+ He looked at your (ehem)
+ You rushed over him
+ Slapped him so hard
+ Him still laughing

• Finn •
+ You both are on your rooftop in 12:00 in the morning
+ "Y/N?"
+ He's recording you
+ "Y/N you left this,"
+ He took out your Bra in his pocket
+ "What the fuck Finn!"
+ You grab it so fast
+ Him laughing so hard
+ You pushed him away with your foot
+ He almost fell from the roof top
+ You're laughing for your revenge

• Jack •
+ "Y/N is this yours?"
+ Him swinging it in front of your face while chasing each other
+ You captured him
+ You grab your Bra
+ You kicked him in the balls
+ Him still laughing
+ Highkey has pain inside

• Chosen •
+ Will give it back to you nicely
+ Again, a gentleman
+ But red as a tomato when he gave it to you
+ Unlike the others he didn't intended to embarrass you

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