The next day I checked out of the hostel and went to get breakfast. I didn't own a clock either, so I had no idea, what time it was once I got to the dorm. I guessed it was still morning.
I had to sign a couple of papers and then I got my key and a keycard. For some reason I was really excited about finding out, what my room was like and who my roommate would be. I thought I'd be there before her, but I was wrong.
First I found myself in an apartment with two bedrooms, one bathroom and a kitchen. One bedroom had the same number my key did on, so I chose that door. It was open.
There was a girl inside sitting on one of the beds. She had her earphones on and computer opened in front of her. She had already everything unpacked and yet I was sure she was a first year student just like me. She had even managed to decorate her part of the room with all kinds of colorful and flowery things. It felt like a 60s explosion, which kind of made lose my excitement. This did not match my stile at all.
As soon as she saw me, she closed the computer, took of her earphones and stood up.
"Hey, I'm Aurora. You must be my roommate," she said with a big smile. She seemed really happy to see me.
"Yeah, I'm Cassy," I said with a lot less excitement, then she had and dropped my backpack on the free bed.
"I'm sorry. I like to sleep by the window. I hope you don't mind," she said. I hadn't even thought about minding it. My old room didn't even have a window and my old roommate was a psychopath, so my standards were pretty low.
"That's totally fine by me. I'm just surprised you're here before me."
"I couldn't wait to get out of home, so I came here before they even opened. I waited like a half an hour to get the key."
"Oh, I decided to get breakfast instead of waiting," I also said with a smile. There was something really nice about that girl, that made me want to be better too, which was kind of strange, because I wasn't used to being nice with anybody. She seemed friendly, but not over the top friendly. I guess I got extra lucky with a good roommate or my standards really were that low.
"So what's your major?" she asked.
"Chemistry. Yours?"
"Physics. I guess we are going to have some base subjects together."
"That's a good thing, right?"
"Of course it is. We can totally help each other out."
"I think, I am going to need a lot more help, than you." Prison education only got me so far.
"Don't be silly. Just because I like physics, doesn't mean I am super good at it."
"Well, in that case, maybe we should find out what the other two girls are studying."
"I already did. They are both third year history students, so I don't think they will be much help."
"I guess you're right."
"So can I just ask you a question?"
"Is that bag the only one you've got?" She was pointing her finger at my backpack.
"Yeah." I stretched the word.
"Unless you are Mary Poppins, how did you fit everything in there?"
"I didn't... I'm going shopping today. I figured I'd come here first and find out, what I need."
"Oh, that's probably a good idea, but wouldn't it be cheaper to get stuff from home?"

Science FictionWhen Cassandra gets out of prison, she has two options - pay back to those, who sent her there in the first place or start a new life. She makes a choice, but things don't exactly work out the way she had planned them. "You could have gotten us both...