6.45 pm the next day I put on my jacket and took the money I had taken earlier from the bank. I almost cried, seeing how much I had and how much I was about to lose. I knew I probably won't be seeing it again, but I also knew, what it was like to have a deal with a crime boss. I didn't want him to die, even though it was his fault and he was a jerk. I owed him my life.
"Where are you going?" asked Aurora.
"Just to post a letter." I showed her a thick envelope, where I had all the money. She would have never approved my action, even I didn't approve it.
"This late?"
"Well, yeah, I was supposed to do it earlier, but I forgot."
"Okay." I guess she didn't really believe me.
By seven I was outside, waiting for Seth. Fifteen minutes later he still wasn't there and I was freezing. I thought I could just give him the money quickly and run back inside, so I hadn't taken any warm clothes.
Finally he showed up, not worried or anything.
"What the hell took you so long?" I asked furiously.
"I was busy," he answered casually.
"Is that why your deal got messed up? Because you can't tell the time?"
"Did you get the cash?" He was completely ignoring me.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means, that you are being rude and I don't feel like giving it to you anymore."
"Are they teaching you how to act like a babu in that university?"
"That is exactly what I'm talking about."
"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just a little on the edge here, because there might not be me in couple of days."
"Well then, maybe I shouldn't give you the money. How am I supposed to get it back, when you're dead?"
There were people coming out from the dorm, so I dragged Seth around the corner.
"Would you stop fooling around and give me the money."
"Why? Got something better to do?" He grabbed the envelope from my hand and opened it."How much is here?"
"Probably not enough. How much do you owe anyway?"
"Let's just say, that I have never seen that much money in my life." Like he had already forgotten that we robbed a bank. Or was it really that much?
He counted the money in the envelope. "Didn't know you had that much. You must be living quite well," he said with a smirk.
"I worked hard for it. Something you've never done in your life, but you would have probably gotten more by just stealing." Although I had to admit that stealing took a lot of effort too – you can't take something without a good plan.
"Can't risk police coming after me." I guess he couldn't just go pickpocketing like me and Kendra – he was too obvious, all the boys were, they really sucked at stealing wallets. That is why they kept taking money from us girls, because they didn't know how to get some for themselves.
"When have you ever been worried about that?"
"Since we lost you. You always knew how to get away with everything. I'm not that good."
"Must kill you inside to know, that I was actually worth something."
"What is that supposed to mean?" He seemed hurt.
"You wanted to get rid of me by making me take the blame." I reminded him. I was planning on reminding that to him every time I saw him, just to make him feel at least a little bit guilty for the rest of his life.
"That is so not true. We didn't have a choice." This was the first time I was hearing about it.
"Yeah, right."
"Look, I am really not in the mood for this. Thanks for the cash. I won't bother you again." Well I was expecting one hell of a good explanation, which I was planning on getting with my money.
"Hey, I still want it back!" I yelled at him, when he was already walking away.
When I got back into my room, I had a very grim looking Aurora staring at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"I thought you weren't doing that anymore."
"Doing what?"
"Crime! I trusted you! I thought you were on our side!" She almost started to cry.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I saw you! You were talking to some shady guy, giving him money." Damn, I forgot that we were standing right in front of our room window. She must have had a pretty good view from the third floor.
"Relax, I wasn't doing anything illegal. I gave him money, that's all I did. I didn't get anything back."
"But why did you give him money? And why now? It's late."
"Because he looks shady and I don't want to be seen around him. But he had little money problem, so I helped him out, you know, charity."
"Why him?"
"Because when I had nothing, he helped me out."
"But he is going to use that money for bad things?"
"I don't know. I don't care anymore. I told him not to bother me again."
"Do you have any more friends like that?"
"They are not my friends, they are just people important for survival. And he was the only one I would give anything at all."
"Okay... Next time you decide to do something weird and creepy, let me know first."
"You don't have to know everything about me." There was so much she didn't know and it was better if she never found out.

Fiksi IlmiahWhen Cassandra gets out of prison, she has two options - pay back to those, who sent her there in the first place or start a new life. She makes a choice, but things don't exactly work out the way she had planned them. "You could have gotten us both...