So the school started. I bonded with some of my fellow chemists already during the first few days and things seemed okay. Somehow I still felt like I didn't quite fit in. I felt like if I told them about my life, they would just turn their backs on me. I felt like a pretender.
Besides from school being tolerable and me being probably the only one, who was actually interested in all of the classes, I noticed Aurora acting really strange. She was her usual nice like always, but that one day, when she got a text, then crabbed her bag and ran out, that just kept happening, like over and over again, almost every day. Sometimes she would get a text really late at night, when we were already sleeping, but she still ran out, even in her PJ's. It was like living with a superhero, who kept being asked to save the day.
Then of course I realized that, that's exactly what it was. And then I was mad at myself for not realizing it earlier. Blond curly hair, big smile on her face, about my age, super helpful – she was Sun Bolt. I didn't really know what to do with that knowledge. A part of me kind of felt vengeful – she put me in prison and now she was right here, totally helpless during the night, it would have been so easy to get rid of her. But at the same time, going to prison was probably the best thing, that had ever happened to me. I would have never had the possibility to turn my life around and go to university otherwise, so I guess I should have been actually crateful.
What really got me thinking was, that she wore a mask and I had recognized her, but I didn't wear a mask, so had she known right from the start, who I was? I didn't really want to tell her, that I knew, who she was either, because I thought she might be upset about blowing her cover.
I did want to make sure I was right though, so the next time she got a text and ran out. I ran to the dormitory's roof, which was of course locked, but I picked it open. I saw her running behind a tree in the back yard and then Sun Bolt flew up from behind the same tree. The bag definitely had her suit in it. I stayed on the roof until she came back. She used super speed, so if you weren't exactly focusing, you wouldn't have noticed her land. Then just an ordinary girl came from behind the tree. I hurried back to my room.
Instead of asking Aurora directly about her superhero secret or whether she knew about my past, I chose a more subtle way of getting her to admit the truth herself instead. What I did, was just trying to win her trust. When Aurora said, she needed more help with school stuff then me, she was right. With the whole having to save the world thing, she didn't exactly have time to study. So I helped her out with some subjects like math, but we didn't really have that many together. I tried being friendly and helpful, which was way too difficult, because it was not me at all, but Aurora seemed to appreciate it and so I kept hoping to win her trust.
I had a little extra reason, why I wanted to know, if Aurora knew about me robbing the bank – I wanted to know, how she knew about the robbery in the first place. It was perfectly planned, nobody was supposed to know. Just asking would have definitely made her suspicious of me.
But life went on. One day in my biochemistry class, our professor asked if anyone of us would like to apply to his lab. He was in need of a person, who could help him do some tests. Nobody seemed that interested, but my hand shot up immediately. He seemed really happy and said, that I should come talk to him after the lecture.
He asked me about my chemistry background, which I didn't really have. In prison we didn't do any lab stuff either, that people usually do at school. We did watch videos though. He also asked me some chemistry related questions, which I could all answer, so he said I got the place. I was super excited and I became even more excited when others in my course said, that he had never chosen any first year students to his lab and right now he only had had one free spot, which belonged to me.
Sorry, I tried making it longer, but it just didn't work out. Next chapter will be longer, I promise.

Science FictionWhen Cassandra gets out of prison, she has two options - pay back to those, who sent her there in the first place or start a new life. She makes a choice, but things don't exactly work out the way she had planned them. "You could have gotten us both...