Life's Not Always a Paradise

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(Yoonseok) ♡slight fighting and fluff ♡ (Unedited)

Yoongi quietly snuck out of his dorm room, careful not to wake up his roommate, Taehyung.

It was him and his boyfriend, Hoseok, first anniversary after being together for a year. Yoongi had bought a bouquet of roses and chocolates for his lovely boyfriend, and wanted to make him feel loved.

Hoseok told Yoongi the other day that on their anniversary to meet up outside at the park. Now, Yoongi thinks, today is the day and the perfect night to give Hoseok a promise ring.

Once Yoongi reaches his destination, he looks up to the sky and sees mesmerizing golden stars, glistening in the streaming moon light. He sighs and walks over to the tall figure that he assumes is Hoseok. As he makes his way over to him, he spots another figure pulling in Hoseok for a long, passionate kiss.

Yoongi drops his items and stands there frozen with a gaping mouth. A tear
runs down his pale cheek and he slowly makes his way over to his so-called-boyfriend, Hoseok.

"Hoseok how could you! And to think I actually loved you. Fuck you, Jung Hoseok, fuck you." Yoongi turned away from the expressionless Hoseok and was about to walk away when a pair of long arms snaked around his waist.

"Baby, don't go. It wasn't me. I didn't even know the damn guy. He smelled of alcohol and drugs. You didn't see, but I immediately pushed him off of me. I love you suga bear. I would never cheat. Trust me, please." Hoseok said, cupping Yoongi's tinted, pink cheeks.


"Yoongi please. I would never hurt you on purpose. You've been through too much to be hurt again. I owe you big time for little some douche kiss me like that. These lips are only for you, and you only. I can make it up to you tomorrow, I swear. I even bought you a gift. Come on, spend the night over my dorm. My roommate is out for the day, so the dorm is all ours. What do you say? I love you."

Hoseok gets on his knee and brings out his own promise ring. It glistens in the natural moonlight and shines from the stars.

Yoongi starts to sob and hugs Hoseok tightly. "I know I'm not usually like this and I'm cold, but I can't believe you actually bought me a promise ring! You idiot!" Yoongi says, slightly pushing Hoseok.

"What, you don't like it?" Hoseok says, pouting.

"I bought one for you!" Yoongi says, chuckling.

"Really! Awe awesome suga bear! Come on! Let's go back to my dorm to cuddle and watch Netflix." Hoseok says, grabbing Yoongi's rough, but soft hand.

"Netflix...and chill?" Yoongi says smirking.

"! Just come on. Jump on papa Jhope's back."

"Never call yourself that ever again.." Yoongi says rolling his eyes and jumping on his boyfriend's back.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Later that night ☆

"Yoongi! Can you make the popcorn! I've already picked out the movie!" Hoseok yells, pushing the fluffy covers out of the way to get into bed.

"No! That's too much work! Can you do it? Pleeeeaaaase??" Yoongi pouts, standing in front of his fine boyfriend.

"Ugh fine. Just because it's you. While I'm doing that, how bout you get into those cute footie pajamas I bought you? They have starts all over them because that's just what you are." Hoseok said, giggling at his little joke and winking.

"Hobiiii! No! I'm not a little child! I got some shorts and a t-shirt. I'm not getting in that stupid fucking onesie. Do I look like Jamless Boy to you? No." Yoongi said, clearly annoyed.

"Fine, Fine. I'll just return it."

"Thank yo-"

"-With the promise ring of course." Hoseok said, with a cheeky grin playing on his face.

"What? That's not fair! You're usinnnnggg meeeee." Yoongi said, cutely sticking his tongue out.

"Deal or no deal." Hoseok said smirking.

"Fine! I'll wear that stupid excuse you call an onesie. Fucking disgrace to humanity." Yoongi mumbles under his breath.

"What was that Suga bear?" Hoseok said, climbing on tomb of the petite Yoongi.

"N-nothing. Umhp. I said...I said that I would love to wear this onesie that my amazing boyfriend spent money on just for me!" Yoongi said, obvious sarcasm in his voice.

"That's what I thought. Cheeky boy." Hoseok said, slowly climbing off of Yoongi and going to check on the popcorn.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Yoongi and Hoseok end up cuddling while watching Finding Nemo, and eating Cheez-itz instead of popcorn since Hoseok left it in the microwave for more than 10 minutes.

While they were watching the movie, or more so Hoseok, Yoongi couldn't help but stare at the beautiful human being that he called his and only his. Hoseok caught him staring, and stared back.

The two were staring back and forth into each other for a while, before Hoseok caught on to what Yoongi wanted, and leaned over to softly kiss Yoongi's soft, plump lips.

Yoongi paused the movie without looking, and kissed Hoseok back, more passionately.

There make out session wasn't long until Hoseok heard one of Yoongi's sweet little yawns.

"Baby are you tired?" Hoseok said, rubbing circles on Yoongi's small back.

Yoongi had to admit, he was pretty tired, but he didn't want to ruin the moment. "Nooo why would *yawn* you think th...thaa.. *yawn* that?

Hoseok chuckled at his boyfriend trying to to fall asleep. "Come on suga bear. Let's go to bed. We can have a perfect date tomorrow and be happily ever after." Hoseok said crushing Yoongi in a death hug.

"Mmmphh cringyyyyy." Yoongi giggled and snuggled up close to his warm boyfriend.

"Yoongi, I just want you to know that I love you and that I would never purposely do something to hurt you. You mean more than the world to me and I couldn't bare to loose you over something ignorant. I wouldn't never cheat nor lie to you and the promise ring indicates what I exactly said. Promise me you won't ever doubt me. Nothing but truth, love, and happiness in this relationship. Sure, we might have some rough times, all relationships have those, but we will get through it, okay Suga bear?" Hoseok says, holding Yoongi's held tightly.

"Oh my, I love you so much Hoseok. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Thank you. I will never doubt you again. I swear on my life I won't. Let's get some shut eye and wake up to a beautiful day, what do ya say?" Yoongi grinned at his usage of words.

"You corny fuck." Hoseok said kissing Yoongi, once again. "Goodnight Baby. I love you."

"I love you too Hobi."

Both boys drifted off to a peaceful sleep, smiling and thinking of each other and what their future will be like.

A/n : Okay guys! My first one shot. What did you think? Feel free to comment and vote, not forcing you though. This is pretttty crappy and me describing things isn't the best, sorry. I'll get better I swear. Love you guys! Bye❤️❤️❤️


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