A Day In The Life Of Jikook

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(Jikook) ♡Cute Fluff ♡ (Unedited)
ALSO! I know Jungkook is younger, but he's still gunna be taking care of our little mochi, so deal with it k? Bye.
It was almost midnight, and Jungkook was still working from home on some document Jimin could care less about. He just wanted Jungkook to come to bed because he hated sleeping alone.

Jimin and Jungkook had been living together for about 5 months or so, and they were both enjoying it so far. Jungkook usually took care of his little mochi, and in return, got kisses and cuddles.

Jimin had been in bed for more than 30 minutes, and couldn't take it any longer. He wanted his Kookie to come and sleep with him, and to get off of that stupid computer. Tomorrow would be Saturday, and all Jimin wanted to do was spend his time with his favorite boyfriend.

Pouting, he got out of the cozy, warm bed, and strutted his way downstairs, and down the hall to Jungkook's spacey office.

The door was already open, and Jimin
could see Jungkook's eyes glued to the screen, tapping away on his keyboard as if it was going to run away from his fingers.

Jimin carefully walked into the room, and frowned seeing that Jungkook didn't even notice him. He even wore Jungkook's favorite pajamas on him, the Mickey Mouse set!

He stomped against the carpet floor and huffed, crossing his arms and acting like a child. "Koookie. Come to bed pleaaase," Jimin begged.

Jungkook still wasn't paying attention, so Jimin ran over to him, and straddled his lap, making the chair Jungkook was sitting on, spin around.

Jungkook blinked, and realized who was in front of him. "Oh, hi Jiminie. What is it baby?"

Jimin nuzzled his head into Jungkook's neck, taking in his scent. "Stop working and come to bed with me."

"What? I can't hear you baby, you sound muffled. Raise up for me?" Jungkook replied, ruffling Jimin's light brown hair.

Jimin arose from Jungkook's neck, and said, "I said, come to bed with me! It's like...the weekend and like...MIDNIGHT! Kookie!" Jimin whined.

"And who are you getting sassy with, mister?" Jungkook teased, raising his right eyebrow.

"You," Jimin said, grinning.

"What was that?" Jungkook said, smirking.

"Don't make me have to repeat myself. I said youuuu, dumby," Jimin said, testing the waters.

"Oh...so, I'm guessing you want a visit from the tickle monster, huh? Is that what you want Jiminie?" Jungkook said, making grabby hands at Jimin's face.

"W-what? Nooo, I'm sure we can work something out," Jimin said, chuckling nervously.

"Ohhh, but the tickle monster reallllllly wants to see my cute little mochi."


Jungkook got up from his chair with Jimin still on him, and Jimin quickly wrapped his arms around the youngers neck, along with his legs. Jungkook held Jimin up by his butt, and softly layed him down on the maroon, carpeted floor. Jimin tried to squirm away, but Jungkook latched on to his legs and began to tickle his tummy.

"A-ah! Kookie! Noooo~"

"That's what you get for messing with the tickle monsterrrr," Jungkook said, as he continued to lightly tickle the older.

"P-please! I-I'm s-sorry!" Jimin said, between laughs.

"I'll only stop if you promise not to get sassy with me anymore."

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