Smooth Like Butter

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(Jihope) ♡really hawt fluff 🌚 ♡

"Ahhh!" Jimin yelled, frustration taking over. "I can't ever get these stupid dance moves right!"

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled, "Please don't be like this! You can always get help." Jungkook walked over to his sweaty, angry hyung.

"Yea? Well, from who? Who do you know that can help a worthless soul like me?" Jimin sighed, leaning against the mirror in the dance studio. He pushed his sweaty, pink hair to the back of his hand and put his face in his hands. He felt hopeless.

"I have a hyung, name's Hoseok, and he's like a dance machine. He's so talented it's actually crazy." Jungkook emphasized the word, crazy, and jumped in excitement on how his hyung could help Jimin out tremendously.

"Oh yea? Bring him in tomorrow at 3 pm. This better be good Jungkook..." Jimin loved how hyper Jungkook was, but sometimes it could get a bit overwhelming.

"Kay Kay hyung! See you tomorrow. Oh, and by the way, I would help with your dancing, buuuut you're not good enough for my magical talent." Jungkook grinned at his words and went to put on his sports jacket.

" pabo." Jimin scoffed.


After Jungkook left the dance studio, Jimin couldn't help but to think of what his new dance tutor would look like. He imagined him being tall and muscular, dark hair with a chiseled jawline, perfect in every way. Jimin sighed, he wouldn't let his dreams take over his imaginative mind.

Jimin got up from his spot on the ground, got his duffle bag filled with dance equipment, and left the studio.

Jimin's apartment was little ways from the studio, so he decided to walk there instead of calling for a taxi like he usually would. The cold evening's breeze swept through Jimin's , now, dried hair.

Once Jimin got into the apartment complex, he took the stairs up to apartment F and unlocked the door, being courteous of his probably, sleeping neighbors. Little did he know, one of his neighbors was about to change his life.

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The next morning~

Jimin woke up from a rough night. Hair was all in his face, and he groaned. He really didn't have the motivation to get out of bed to go dance, but he really did want to see what his tutor was gonna look like. That was going to be the only highlight of his day, he thought.

Huffing, Jimin kicked his short legs over the bed and stood up, yawning and stretching. He slumped over and slowly, but surely, made it to the bathroom.

Letting his smooth skin soak in bubbles was very relaxing. When he got out of the bath, he put a fluffy, white towel over his damp body, and began to brush his teeth. Looking at himself in the mirror, he told himself he was going to strive to look good for his unknown tutor. (Jimin ended up wearing gray sweats and a black t-shirt, with black, Puma tennis. His hair was styled messily as well.)

Once the bathroom was out of the way, Jimin walked next door to his kitchen, and put two frozen waffles in the toaster. While they were warming up, he got out a frying pan from the kitchen closet, and a packet of sausage links from the pantry.

He put them on the stove to fry, and waiting for his waffles. When he heard a 'beep' he knew the waffles were ready to be taken out and eaten.

He placed the waffles on a paper plate, and took the syrup out of the cabinet. After cutting up his waffles and pouring syrup on them, he checked his sausages and saw that they were also ready to be eaten.

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