Part 3: All A Blur

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"Hmph. I shall emerge victorious out of all those little punks. I'd like to see one of them try to fight me." Jordan chuckles to himself as he strolls down the halls. Ever since the whole group broke up and became hostile enemies towards each other, teachers and staff have been on high alert to make sure that they don't suddenly break out into fights, much to the other students' chagrin as they had been dying to see a fight in their school occur. While Jordan walks all about the halls, Liliana rushes all about them, partially because she doesn't want to be late to her next class, and the two collide in the middle of the hallways.

"What the hell?! Watch where you're going punk!" Jordan shouts at Liliana as they get up.

"It's not my fault that I want to be successful!" Liliana snaps back.

"Girl I'm in a bad mood today. Don't test me." Jordan snarls, and lets out a growl that would put a lion to shame.

"I have a name, boy, and it's Liliana. Remember that next time we meet." Liliana shouts.

"Sure thing, Lunatic Lily." Jordan chuckles. "See you at lunch, cause you won't be coming out of it in one piece."

"Oh shut up." Liliana snaps back, and with that the two head off their individual ways to meet their friends, both of them ready to attack when they got to the cafeteria. Their classes went about as normal, with a hint of battle planning, and it wasn't long before the two had their fateful meeting in the wide open area of the cafeteria. Jordan had taken a spot at one of the tables, and Liliana zoomed into the lunchroom, intent on ambushing her opponent. Upon locating Jordan, Liliana quickly hid to avoid being spotted, and once she was in the clear, she made her move. Sneaking up on Jordan, a lightning fast kick was all Liliana needed to bring him to the ground! Jordan sprung back up and brandished his razor-sharp nails while Liliana put up a show of speed. With no teachers watching the cafeteria at the moment the whole place went deathly silent as the two combatants circled each other.

"I'll put you through the shredder when I'm done with you!" Jordan shouts.

"You'll only have to blink to realize that you will be the loser this time!" Liliana yells, and Jordan makes the first move! Charging forth with swipes, Jordan manages to claw Liliana's arm, leaving behind a series of long, bloody slashes and rendering that arm useless. "GAH! My arm! I can't move it!"

"That's not the only thing that won't be moving!" Jordan shouts once more as he launches himself at Liliana like a mad tiger, claws at the ready, and he knocks down Liliana with one good pounce. Now on top of Liliana, Jordan goes for an eye gouger only for the little girl to wriggle out of his clutches and bombard his face with strikes, stunning him before she gets back up. "What the heck?! How'd you do that?!

"It's a little something called speed, something you need to work on." Liliana snickers. This sets off Jordan like a bomb, and he goes into a four-legged run, bounding at Liliana when he's only a few feet away. Liliana is prepared this time and throws a series of lightning fast kicks to Jordan's unguarded face, knocking out some of his teeth and knocking him out cold. "Told ya you needed to work on speed. You probably should have listened you thick-headed ignoramus." And with that Liliana silently exited the cafeteria, leaving Jordan to regain his senses and think about how he just got his ass handed to by a girl of such short stature...

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