Part 6: Triple Threat

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"Now that must have been painful for Liliana..." Alexa says, overhearing the living hell Madison put Liliana through. Poor Liliana had to be rushed to the hospital for the potential of having a collapsed lung from the solaplexus strike Madison threw. In the meantime, Camryn strides down the hallways decked out in a long purple dress that falls to her knees and matching color heels with a small tiara uptop her head.

"I tell you, nobody can match my beauty." Camryn says to herself as she takes a selfie on her phone. She passes by Alexa and turns her head the other way as if she didn't even exist, annoying Alexa, and she does the same to Madison, angering her. When Camryn is out of audible range, Alexa and Madison stroll to each other.

"Looks like the slime was too much was it?" Madison asks Alexa, noticing her new kicks.

"I thought those shoes were gonna get stickier with every step. By the end of the day I could barely move and I had to muster all the strength I could just to lift my foot up so I just took them off at the end." Alexa chuckles. "Anyways, I know you're pissed off at Camryn. She's the next generation Narcissus."

"So why don't we both take her out then? Problem solved." Madison asks.

"It's gonna take more than that to take her down but if you do so much as get in my way, I won't hesitate to set my sights on you." Alexa growls.

"Alright alright I get it. Now let's see if we can get her in the cafeteria. That way everyone will know how weak Camryn is." Madison asks, and she and Alexa fist bump on it. When the time passes and the three remaining teens enter the cafeteria, Madison and Alexa make their move.

"Now!" Alexa shouts as she and Madison charge at Camryn!

"I don't think so peasants!" Camryn shouts as she does a graceful frontflip over the two girls and lands on one foot with no ill effect. Madison and Alexa bang heads and turn around to see Camryn simply balancing on her one foot.

"How the hell did she do that, and in heels?!" Madison asks, absolutely shocked, and Alexa has no input. Camryn uses this to her advantage, jumping in the middle of the two fighters.

"Taste true elegance you greaseballs!" Camryn shouts before spinning like a tornado and letting her fists fly!  Madison and Alexa are bombarded by backfists and clotheslines and they go down in five seconds flat! Alexa is the first to get back up and she drives her elbow into Camryn's chest, knocking her back but not knocking her down as she reassumes her balance and crosses her arms in defiance. "Come at me."

"Alright then." Madison chuckles as she pounces! Leaping over Camryn and landing directly behind her, Madison wraps her arms around Camryn's chest and locks her legs around Camryn's, throwing her off balance! "Now!"

"Gladly!" Alexa shouts as she charges!

"Ngh, not today!" Camryn shouts as she successfully turns herself around, causing Alexa to ram Madison instead, knocking her out! Madison slumps to the floor, unconscious, and Camryn is left with Alexa.

"That was not part of the plan..." Alexa says sheepishly.

"Well then, neither would this!" Camryn shouts as she bounds towards Alexa and goes for another tornado spin! Alexa is hit countless times before Camryn finally stops spinning. Alexa is now too dizzy to do anything, leaving Camryn to deliver the coup de grace. Camryn does so by driving her heel into Alexa's face, knocking her out and leaving an open wound shaped like a bullet in her forehead. 911 is quickly dialed as Camryn leaves, the victor of this whole bout.

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