Part 4: Delusion

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"Jordan? Knocked out by Liliana?! What a joke that guy is. He's all bark and no bite." Alexa chuckles to herself as she strolls down the halls having heard of Jordan's embarrassing defeat. Liliana only came up to Jordan's shoulders, yet she was able to him out with quite ease. Kendal approaches Alexa, intending on gossiping about the whole incident.

"I tell you, Jordan is SO stupid! Does he even know how to block?" Kendal asks Alexa, who gives a chuckle in return.

"I tell you, had he known how to actually defend himself, he would have owned Liliana's ass, but overall he's just a loose cannon. I mean you saw the damage he left behind?" Alexa replies, remembering how many tables had to be replaced when Jordan went on the fray.

"Man, I probably would have owned his ass in ten seconds flat." Kendal brags, bad mistake on her end.

"Um excuse me, I could wipe the floor with him in five! All I need to do is crush his groin with a good knee." Alexa snaps back.

"Oh come on! Can't you be a little more light hearted?" Kendal jokes around.

"I'm not in the mood right now to take some of your jokes. Leave me alone before I clock you in the jaw." Alexa growls.

"Oh please! How can you chase away an innocent happy-go-lucky girl like that?" Kendal chuckles.

"Okay, THAT'S IT!" Alexa shouts, driving her elbow into Kendal's chest! Kendal gets the wind knocked out of her and she struggles to get back up. "How's that for strength?!"

"Heh, you're good, but not good enough!" Kendal struggles to say as she gets back up and frontflips into Alexa, driving her feet into the angry teen's face! Alexa's head bounces off the ground as she lands, but it does nothing to faze her as she simply kicks herself back up onto her feet and proceeds to chase Kendal!

"GET BACK HERE YOU!" Alexa screams as she pursues Kendal throughout the hallways.

"Catch me if you can hotshot!" Kendal laughs as she begins to literally bounce off the walls. After disappearing into a hallway, Alexa heads down that general direction and faces Kendal, standing there and looking like an idiot.

"How'd she change into her cheer uniform so fast? Oh well, this is gonna be a cakewalk." Alexa snickers as she charges and rams Kendal with her shoulder! Much to Alexa's surprise though, Kendal vanishes into thin air, leaving behind her cheer uniform.

"What the?!" Alexa asks as she picks up the discarded uniform and sees a note on the back.

"Right behind you!" It reads. Suddenly, Alexa feels two fists simultaneously drive into the back of her head and spine! Alexa quickly goes down and lands in front of the real Kendal's feet.

"Ha ha! Try that on for size!" Kendal chuckles as she vanishes in a cloud of smoke! Alexa slowly gets up and feels some awfully chilly wind hitting her arms and legs.

"What..." Alexa quietly says before looking down at herself. Alexa has somehow been shoved into the same cheer uniform Kendal's "duplicate" had on, shoes and everything, and no matter what she does, it won't come off!

"Looks like I'll have to beat Kendal if I'm gonna get my old clothes back..." Alexa mumbles to herself before realizing that she can't even move her feet to walk. "Wha-" Alexa gasps as she looks down at the shoes.  On top of being stuck in that uniform, Kendal left behind a huge blob of slime that's keeping her stuck there! Kendal emerges from one of the hallways laughing at Alexa's predicament.

"You enjoying yourself there?" Kendal jokes about. Alexa stops struggling and begins to concentrate, closing her eyes in the process.

"I'm gonna need some real strength to break out of this..." Alexa thinks to herself, and her eyes shoot open! Mustering what she can, Alexa practically rips her feet out of the slime holding her in place and Kendal can't do anything now that she has lost the element of surprise. Alexa charges once more and Alexa shoulder rushes Kendal, smashing up her ribcage! This knocks out Kendal and Alexa leaves her there so somebody can call an ambulance for her and so she can look for her old clothes.

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