Part 8: The Wise One

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"No matter what we've done, Jack has somehow prevailed over all of us! He seems to know our every move!" Liliana says as they return from one of countless defeats by Jack's hands. The group of six teens had all been trying to take on the corrupted fighter alone, with disastrous results...

Jordan's battle...

"I'M GONNA TEAR YOU APART!!!" Jordan screams as he charges at Jack. He pounces, but Jack simply dodges the pounce and drives his knee into Jordan's face, knocking him out in one hit.

"Hmph. Arrogance, the greatest enemy to victory..." Jack chuckles.

Camryn's battle...

"It'll take more than that to stop me." Jack snarls as Camryn fails to land one hit on him, despite being cornered. Jack proceeds to draw his hand back and hit Camryn with a palm strike so hard that it sends her from one end of the hall to the other, effectively knocking her out.

Alexa's battle...

Alexa charges at Jack with all her strength and goes for a shoulder rush, but Jack shockingly catches Alexa's shoulder and stands his ground. Jack proceeds to pick up Alexa and hoist her over his head.

"Yeah, nice try." Jack chuckles as he piledrives Alexa into the ground, swiftly knocking her out and leaving her with a mighty painful concussion when she regains consciousness.

Madison's battle...

"I can clearly tell where you're about to strike so give up." Jack says with a straightforward attitude, and Madison attempts to stab his eye, only for Jack to trap Madison's hand with his arm and the same happens when she tries to hit Jack in the groin, leaving her about defenseless.

"What?!" Madison asks, shocked before Jack yanks Madison forward and headbutts her, knocking her out.

Kendal's battle...

"Surprise ain't gonna help you." Jack explains as he senses Kendal behind him and drives his elbow into her face, greatly stunning Kendal.

"What- HOW?!" Kendal shouts before Jack throws a jumping double kick, driving both of his feet into Kendal's face and knocking her out.

Liliana's battle...

"Don't blink!" Liliana snickers as she starts dashing around Jack in an attempt to disorient him, only for Jack to stick his foot out and trip Liliana. Jack quickly grabs Liliana, breaking her fall.

"Come on, step it up." Jack sneers as he throws Liliana into a wall, knocking her out upon impact.


"Okay, it seems that we're all in a pinch here. Unless we can somehow ambush Jack, which is most likely impossible, we have to think of a new plan..." Camryn says, looking back at all these defeats. They had all been rushed to the hospital earlier for their knockouts and Alexa had to stay a little longer before being discharged for her concussion.

"Well clearly sheer power, blurring speed, tactical strikes nor a mix of all of them are doing anything to even faze him." Jordan and Alexa add.

"Well... Have we tried anything else other than what's been said?" Kendal asks, bringing the attention of her friends to her.

"...We've tried everything in the book, and nothing seems to be working. I mean he means business. Did you notice his eyes?" Liliana asks.

"I sure did." Kendal replies. "What's that gotta do with anything?"

"They strike fear into me whenever my eyes meet his. It leaves me with a sense of doubt." Madison says, and her friends nod in agreement.

"Okay, so what's that gotta do? We gotta look past all this. How about we all attack him at once?" Kendal says.

"Okay that we haven't tried." Camryn admits sheepishly, awkwardly rubbing her head as Kendal pratfalls.

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