Part 5: Ambushed

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"Wow. Never did I think Kendal would get her ass kicked like that..." Liliana chuckles to herself. After the fight, Alexa did find her old clothes, but Kendal had left another surprise for Alexa- the outsoles of Alexa's shoes had been coated with the same slime that kept her stuck to the floor in the first place, so she had to struggle to move about the hallways. Meanwhile, Madison  also overhears Alexa's victory and subsequent sticky situation and strolls alongside the victory girl who has to lift her feet up to her knees  because the slime is so stretchy.

"How are the shoes?" Madison asks.

"Definitely not as sticky as the last time. When I get home, I'm tossing these ones out. I don't think this slime is gonna come off no matter what I do." Alexa replies, lifting her foot to show how stringy the slime is.

"Well, good luck with that. At least you kicked Kendal's ass." Madison says before running off. "I haven't heard from Jordan or Kendal at all lately..."

"Coming through!" Liliana shouts as she rushes to her next class. Madison doesn't react in time and gets bowled over by Liliana who subsequently falls on her face and drops all her stuff.

"What the heck?! Watch where you're going fool!" Madison shouts at Liliana.

"Who are you calling a fool?!" Liliana shouts back.

"I'm talking to you!" Madison hisses. "Now you better stay out of my way unless you wanna see what I'm really capable of." And with that, Madison and Liliana rush off their individual ways to get to their classes. An hour passes and Madison sneaks out of her classroom and makes her way to Liliana's. Upon reaching the classroom's door, she peeks in, sees Liliana and prepares to strike. "Just she wait..." She snickers. The bell rings and Liliana along with her fellow classmates are dismissed. Using this opportunity she blends in with the group and finds herself directly behind Liliana. "GOTCHA!"

"WHAT?!" Liliana shouts as Madison throws a kick to the back of her head! Liliana quickly hits the ground as Madison stands over her with a fierce look.

"Didn't see that one coming did you?" Madison chuckles as she picks up Liliana.

"Let me GO!" Liliana shouts as she begins thrashing around in Madison's grasp.

"Sure! Happy landings!" Madison yells as she throws Liliana down the stairs! In a stroke of pure luck, Liliana manages to land on her feet as Madison frontflips all the way down to the first floor and lands with no ill effect. Liliana, seeing that Madison really wants her dead, rushes off with Madison in pursuit!

"Crap!" Liliana shouts as she sees Madison on her six and picks up speed. Unfortunately for Liliana she is constantly running into people in the hallways, allowing Madison to catch up with her every time she hits somebody, and catch up she does! Before Liliana knows it, Madison pounces on Liliana and grabs ahold of her! Madison wraps one arm around Liliana's neck, her other arm around her chest and her legs lock themselves around Liliana's! "Gah! I... Can't move!!!"

"Let's see how you like this!" Madison chuckles, but before she can tighten her grip around Liliana's neck, Liliana bites Madison's arm hard enough to let her go! "OW!!!" And with that, Liliana escapes Madison's clutches, getting back up and seeing the damage.

"How's that?" Liliana laughs.

"Oh NOW you're asking for it!" Madison hisses and strikes Liliana in the eye! Temporarily stunned, Madison then hits Liliana in the solaplexus, knocking the wind out of Liliana before she drives her foot into Liliana's crotch! Liliana slumps to the ground in absolute agony as Madison cackles.

"Argh..." Liliana says, her voice strained with weakness.

"That'll show you." Madison says before she leaves Liliana to slowly, but painfully recover from what just happened.

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