Part 7: Arise

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Camryn, being the victor of the entire bout, declared herself queen of the school just a few days after the series of violent bouts that ended with the losers either being rushed to the ER or left to painfully recover from some horrible injury they had suffered. The five other students recemented their group with Camryn as the ringleader of the whole thing, and for once, peace was restored at Stationman High. The group of six teens resumed their friendly activities before the whole globe incident, and they had begun patrolling the hallways, possibly an effect of having been possessed by the wisps that had changed their personalities in the first place. Kendal was still the jokester she was when she was possessed but has learned to be serious at times where it's needed, and Alexa and Jordan have toned down their aggressiveness. Overall, the group of fighters had matured from their fights and saw no reason to fight again with Camryn in charge. Meanwhile, another student roams the hallways and meets up with the group of students.

"Ah Jack! Good to see you've made it out of all this alive!" Camryn says gleefully. "Here to see your royalness?"

"Eh, sort of. Sup Kendal?" Jack calls out.

"Oh of course he'd fancy you over us ladies." Madison and Alexa chuckle.

"Whatever. So what caused you to fight like this before?" Jack asks Kendal?

"That's actually a tough one!" Kendal replies, a little red. "Had something to do with a huge globe getting smashed and these wisps entering our bodies and we've noticed the changes."

"And considering how you guys must have fought, I think those guys used to be fighters themselves, maybe even masters." Jack infers. Suddenly, a wisp swoops down and surrounds Jack!

"What the?!" Liliana shouts before the wisp enters Jack's body. From there the changes are almost instantaneous, but they are much darker than the changes that Kendal and company went through. Jack became surrounded by a dark violet aura, and when his eyes shot open, his irises were a deep orange, resembling those of a dragon.

"How the hell did we miss that one?" Jordan asks, shocked.

"It probably didn't have somebody to possess, and it chose Jack..." Camryn says, worry evident in her tone. Suddenly, Jack enters a fighting stance, his hands positioned like claws ready to rend and tear, and he goes on the offensive!

"HEADS UP!" Liliana screams as Jack moves with almost unhuman speed, surpassing Liliana! His attacks may not be of the same speed but the strength put forth puts Alexa to shame as one good swipe has Camryn eat the floor and a series of five deep, bloody claw marks extends from her wrist all the way to her elbow! Jack then proceeds to effortlessly knock Jordan and Madison to the ground with a jump split kick before Jack quickly grabs Liliana by the throat! Grabbing Alexa the same way, he bangs their heads together, knocking them out before coming face to face with Kendal.

"Uh oh..." Kendal whimpers as Jack charges! Kendal frontflips over the enraged teen, causing him to headbutt a wall and leave himself dizzy. When he shakes off the fatigue, Jack rushes off in defeat and surrender.

"I'LL BE BACK!!!" Jack screams as he runs. Jordan and Camryn slowly get up to assess their injuries and help Madison up. Liliana and Alexa regain consciousness and Kendal is left frightened by the whole attack.

"Gah... We gotta do something about that kid. He's probably planning an all out assault on us even as we know it." Camryn says as she and her group head to the office to get their injuries treated...

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