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"Slight issue however. You might no longer really be in the assassin mindset, but Callie? She's a liability," Ray interrupted, and caused Sara to close her eyes for a second and pinch the bridge of her nose.

"Raymond does have a point there Sara. It is simply not safe to bring her along!" Stein tried to convince her to leave the girl behind, but Sara knew Callie and she knew that leaving the girl alone when Damien Darhk was around was an even worse idea.

"Callie can hold herself back. I trust her, and you should too. Now let's do this."


"Hand over the box," Sara's voice broke through Darhk's meeting with the Russians. They all stood in a line as they approached the meeting, with the russians and Darhk all turning to face them.

"And the kick-ass CD-ROM," Nate joked, looking at the disc that Darhk was holding in his hands along with the small black box they desperately needed.

"What is this?" Darhk yelled, getting annoyed as his exchange partners all started yelling at him in Russian.

"He thinks we're working with Darhk," Nate supplied to the team, ignoring the fact they had all swallowed translators previously.

"Never," Callie scoffed, swinging the bow off her back. She had picked it up on their way to intercept Darhk.

"No one has to get hurt," Sara tried to reason, but they all knew Darhk wasn't having that.

"That's not really my style. Now, we can waste time chit-chatting, or you can deal with the explosive my people have secreted inside the State Dining Room. See, in about six minutes, Reagan, Gorbachev, and every hope of peace goes kaboom! I am sorry... inconvenient, I know, but try being me," Darhk chuckled quickly managing to duck out of the room as the fighting kicked off.

Callie found herself seeing red, the bloodlust taking over as she thought about the man escaping. She caught on to Todd and Amaya charging after the man, and she followed. There was no way he was going to get away with anymore killing when she had the chance to end it there and then.

She caught up just as Amaya caught Todd from the gunshot wound that Darhk had just inflicted upon him.

The platinum haired man turned to look at Callie with a sick grin across his face. He knew exactly who this girl was now, and there was major plans for her.

She lunged, but she had forgotten that he had also gone through the same training she once had. He easily pinned her against his chest as he pressed the barrel of his gun to her forehead. She was still seeing red, but her bloodlust was fading from his touch - similar to how it had for Thea when he had powers.

"I know you now. My source told me all about you, Miss Merlyn," Damien said, a sick smirk forming across his face as he studied the girl before him. "That fire in your eyes, all the burning hatred you have for me - it means nothing. The way your skin is crawling from my very touch, the pounding in your ears and the clouded judgement only means one thing. The Lazarus Pit can affect us all in different ways, but you? Oh, Merlyn, it's going to ruin you," he continued, his grasp on her tight as he waited for someone else to challenge him.

She struggled against him, but his words had taken a hit on her and she couldn't quite manage to think as clearly as usual. What a tragedy, she thought, that a trained assassin was having a mind block when there was a loaded gun held to her head.


Sara jumped out from behind Todd and Amaya, raising her arm and throwing a sharp star blade straight into Darhk's hand. He hissed in pain, but it only caused him to tighten his grip on Callie as she tried to push off him. The cold barrel of the gun touching her forehead caused her to stop - she knew he would not hesitate to blow her brains right there and then.

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