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"Well, actually, it's a time ship." Sara muttered, before she felt her hands get more wet from the blood that was seeping from Callie's body.

"How'd you find us?"

"I didn't. Your nerd army back on Earth did."

"I'm gonna take Callie to the med bay, have Gideon fix her up!" Sara yelled as she lifted Callie into her arms and sprinted down the hallway.

"Who the hell is Gideon?"


"I can't believe that you guys escaped an alien spaceship. Key words: alien spaceship. I have questions!" Cisco exclaimed as he jogged alongside the returning superheroes, shooting Callie a reassuring smile as she hovered next to Sara. He was glad to not have lost her during their kidnapping, they had all been concerned she wasn't going to make it - but Gideon had fixed her up in no time.

"They can wait," Oliver gruffly spoke before turning to look at Nate. "Thanks for helping me get my sister home."

"Yeah, man." Nate replied, thinking about how strange it was to think they first and last time they had both met was before he had ever even stepped foot on the waverider and before he had gotten his superpowers.

"What's our status?" Oliver asked as they all pulled up to a halt next to the computer screens that had been set up for mainly Cisco and Felicity's benefits.

"Nothing, since the Dominators paid their little visit to mess with our heads," Barry sighed, his hands resting on his hips as he pulled Callie into a hug. The other legends were confused at the action, having now seen three people in the space of two days hug the girl that usually refuses to even have human contact with them.

"Why would they do that?" Nate asked, looking around at everyone in confusion.

"What if they were trying to pit us against each other, in order to gain intel about meta-humans?" Ray suggested, Callie nodding at the thought. It made sense.

"Man, I wish they would just send us an IM with a questionnaire," Felicity voiced, and Callie smiled at the woman's attempt to bring a little light to the situation even if it didn't work.

"Well, metas pose the biggest threat to their invasion. It would make sense they'd want to get to know their enemies." Kara explained. The teams all nodded knowing that the concept does actually make a bit of sense.

"By kidnapping people perhaps they were searching your minds for potential meta-human vulnerabilities," Stein continued, nodding at Callie as she looked at him. He had found more respect for the girl and how she was willing to rather sacrifice herself than hurt any of them while they had been under mind-control.

"I think it's time we return the favor," Oliver said, fed up of the alien bodies trying to kill them all.

"What do you want to do? Kidnap one of them now?" Diggle asked.

"Ever since we fought off that one ship, they've kind of been in short supply." Barry informed Oliver, not sure that his plan was actually going to work out.

"Actually, I know where to find one. I've been reviewing old Army footage of their first encounters with the Dominators, and I think I pegged the fight to..." Nate filled them all in, pulling the footage up on the screen. Callie grimaced as she studied the tall aliens ripping soldiers apart.

"Redmond, Oregon, 1951."

"You're suggesting we travel to 1951, abduct a Dominator, and interrogate it to determine their intentions," Stein checked, not sure he was fully on board with the idea.

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