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As they left, Callie turned around to face Barry and Oliver who seemed surprised that she had been the one out of everyone who had chosen to stay behind. She smiled at them before moving forwards and hugging Barry.

"I already knew," she explained, looking them in the eyes as she saw their confusion, but Oliver had understood why she had been avoiding fights and how she had known.

"You have the bloodlust."

"I need your help Ollie."


"This belongs to you," Felicity told Callie as she interrupted her confession to Barry and Oliver. The assassin turned to look at what Felicity was holding, and a grin instantly spread across her face at the sight. She had left many things behind when she had gone to help Sara, but this was something that made her remember who she really was.

She took the suit from Felicity's arms, a grin now spread across her face as she looked at Barry, Cisco, Oliver and Felicity who had gathered around her. Cisco smiled warmly at her, knowing that she had missed her Falcon suit while she had been travelling through space and time.

"I made a few adjustments for your bow and arrows to hold better, but it's almost exactly the same," Cisco explained as Callie grinned at him.

She quickly excused herself, going to slip into the outfit so she was more accustomed to fighting. Her suit was something Felicity had worked on when she had first joined the Arrow team after the death of her brother, Tommy.

As Callie slipped it on, she noticed exactly what alterations Cisco had made, causing her to smile slightly as he didn't understand the significance in the actions. Her outfit had always been similar to Sara's White Canary suit but this was almost identical now but just in black.

"Falcon's back."


Barry went to talk to Felicity while Oliver spoke to Callie about her death. She explained how she wasn't surprised and why the bloodlust had given it away already to her.

"You know, Darhk's causing trouble throughout time," she told Oliver, watching as the mans eyebrows shot up at the thought of the white haired man still being able to kill more of their friends. "That's kind of when I really realised it was bloodlust, when I saw him and everything just felt so fleeting. All that mattered was getting his blood on my hands."

Oliver nodded, knowing how it had also affected Thea and Sara when they had been brought back to life before.

"Sara's helping me through it," Callie explained, before they were interrupted by Barry joining in on the conversation.

"She's doing a lot more than helping you by the looks of it," Barry joked, causing Callie to narrow her eyes and stutter over her words as she feared that he had figured out what was going on between the two assassins.

Oliver studied her shift in behaviour and paused as he thought about the interactions he had witnessed between the two assassins earlier. He knew.

"You know, they'll hook up one day," Laurel said, her eyes shining as she watch Callie and Sara sword fight in the distance. Oliver scoffed, looking at the two women he now viewed as nothing more than sisters.

"Never." He replied, thinking how unlikely it was for their small group of friends to all become romantically linked at some point or other.

"Tommy thought it would happen before everything had even happened," Laurel softly murmured as Oliver gazed at her. There was a comfortable silence between them before she continued. Laurel lightly punched his shoulder as she looked back to the assassins. "Believe me, I can't wait to live to see the day I prove you wrong," she laughed as he scoffed. "Anyway, they'd be the best couple out of us all."

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