Wake Up!

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"YAHH!WAKE UP Y/N YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR YOU FAN MEET!" My roommate Suran yelled. "OH SHIT WHAT TIME IS IT?!" I said and I popped up right in my bed. "7:25" Suran said laughing. "Two hours early...really Suran?" I said annoyed. "I made pancakes now get up!" She said patting my thigh. "I guess I should get ready for the fan meet...now that I'm up." I said to my self.

I got up and walked to my bathroom. "Ewww! I look like a dead potato!" I said as I saw the reflection of my messy hair and pink face. I jumped in the shower and blasted one of my al time favorite BTS songs, 'MIC Drop'. I cleaned my self up and wrapped a towel around my body. I looked for a perfect outfit to wear to the fan meet. "YUSSS!!!" I said as I pulled out my favorite, most perfect outfit in my possession.

My outfit:

I took like maybeeeeee 100 selfies

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I took like maybeeeeee 100 selfies...then headed down stairs. "Yah! Took so long!" Suran said while handing me a plate of pancakes. "Thanks" I said smiling and began eating my food. "You look very mature for an 18 year old." She then said while checking out my makeup. "Yah this took forever!" I said.

I finished eating and cleaning my plate which was a drag. "Well I have 45 minuets left so I guess that I will go on instagram." I said while plopping down on the couch. I scrolled through instagram for a while before it was time to go. "Take care of yourself! Be careful out there!"Suran said as I left out the door. She acted like my mother at times. It was cute. She's only a year older than me!

I arrived at the place early so I stood outside checking all of my pictures that I took. I deleted some horrible ones and took some snapchats. I was chilling until I heard... "KIM NAMJOON! KIM SEOKJIN! MIN YOONGI! JUNG HOSEOK! PARK JIMIN! KIM TAEHYUNG! JEON JUNGKOOK! BTS!!" Which made me assume that the boys had arrived.

The guards let us in after the boys safely made their way into the building. "Thank you for coming! We love you lotsss!" Jhope said giving off his cute laugh. They talked to the Army for a bit then continued with the fan meet. I had a question for Tae, my bias. I wrote it down on a sticky note and placed it carefully oh who am I kidding I slapped that sucker into my BTS 'Love Yourself' album.

The table was lined up perfectly for me. Thank the people of BTS! There was Jhope ,then next to him was Suga, then Rap Monster, then Jungkook, Jimin, and lastly V. I gave Jhope a plushie of flower Hobi, Suga a plushie of Holly and Demi, Rapmon a pair of sunglasses that say 'you can break me now!', Jungkook a timberlands keychain, Jimin a phone case that said 'ChimChim of BTS', and Tae a pair of Gucci glasses.

I came to Tae and handed him my album. "Would you date a fan that is 18?" He read the note out loud. "Of course I would, are you 18?" He said and winked.  I nodded and blushed a bit. "Im Taehyung as you know, what's your name?" He said showing me his rectangular smile. Cute! "I'm Y/n" I said smiling at him with my horrible average smile. "What a cute name. I'll tell you what I like you!" He said smiling. "I got you Gucci!" I said giving him a bag. "Gucci glasses! Thank youuu!!!!" He said happily he acted as if he were a kid in a candy store.

The event came to an end and I was walking back to the dorm when the rain came pouring down. "Are you freaking kidding me right now?" I said as I quickly scanned the area for the nearest place to take shelter. I saw a dimly lit café and ran to that. It was open so I walked in soaked wit my makeup and hair all messed up. "Hey are you alright?" I heard a deep voice say from behind me. "I-I-I'm fine." I said stuttering due to coldness.

"You forgot me already?" He said now I know that it was V. "No how could I forget my bias?" I said laughing. "B-bias?" He said shocked. "Yes my BIAS" I said emphasizing 'bias'. He laughed and put his jacket around my shivering shoulders. "Keep warm, I'll buy you some coffee." He said and slyly took my phone. I'm just gonna act like that never happened. I'm so weird Urggg!

He slipped my phone back and sat across from me. "Here stay safe little one. I gotta go mow." He said and walked out the door. Without a jacket...wait I have his jacket! I ran outside, but he was gone....

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