First Fight

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It's been a few weeks since Taehyung and I began dating. He broke a mug in my house so I got mad. Plus, I'm on my period which makes it easier for me to get mad at him. "What the fuck Taehyung!" I yelled at him. "I'm sorry Y/n please forgive me." He pleaded. "No! That was the mug that I had for years!!!" I yelled louder. Suran wasn't home to break the little fuss that we were having. 

"I've tried saying sorry Y/n please" He said knowing where my mind was going. "No, Taehyung stop" I said walking away from him. "Please Y/n hear me out" He pleaded more. "NO STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. "Y/n...please..." His voice wavered. "WE'RE OVER! GET OUT!" I yelled 

He walked out of the door slouched over and sad. Once I closed the door I broke down in tears. "What did I just do." I love him. I'm so fucked up in the head right now. DAMNIT Y/N YOU JUST LOST THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE! WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?! I cried more. The tears didn't stop. They rolled down my face as if there were a prize at the end of my neck that the tears were racing for. 

I stayed in my bed for hours. Suran got home from her studio. She came into my room to tell me that she was home but there I was crying under my blanket. "what happened?" She asked worried. "I b-broke u-up with V" I sobed. "what?!" She said getting defensive. "N-no I did it I messed up." I said crying more. 

"It was my fault, I broke up with him." I sobbed more realizing that it was my fault. "It's okay we'll get him back." She said rubbing my back. "No better time for ice cream!" She said knowing that ice cream makes me feel better. She's such a great room mate. I'm glad to have her. I was interrupted by a knock. 

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