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Tae and I drove to my house together. "Do you want to stay the night here?" I asked him because it was already late into the night. "Yeah" He smiled. "Okay I'll get you some clothes to sleep in." I said going into my drawers and pulling out y biggest clothes. "Here, this is all I have." I said handing him a Vans over-sized hoodie and black sweatpants. "Nice style" He said laughing. "Yeah, yeah hurry I'm tired." I said pushing him  to my bathroom. 

He came out and surprisingly my clothes fit him perfectly. He still looked nice. "You look so nice"I laughed. "Thank you" He smiled showing his rectangular smile. I jumped on the bed patting a spot on my bed for Tae to lay on. He jumped on the bed too and cuddled me. I've always love cuddling. "Good night, I love you" I said kissing his forehead. 

I woke up from the best sleep of my life. Taehyung made me sleep so well, but when I woke up he wasn't there anymore. My hungry self decided to go down stairs instead of finding my new boyfriend. "Goooooddddddd morning beautiful!" Tae said holding a pan with pancakes in it. "Ummmmm smells good Chief Taehyung." I said making him laugh. 

"Shit down, I'll bring you your food when it's ready." He said smiling. I love that smile so much. I sat down at the diner table that Suran and I never use. "One beautiful meal for one beautiful girl" Tae said bringing me a plate beautifully decorated with fruits and berries. "Thank you handsome chief." I said and kissed his cheek. 

We ate the meal talking and getting to know each other. I learned that V wants to be a father with about 5 children. He's so cute, he wants to be a father!!! "I love youuuu" He said smiling.

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