"Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin' with no make up on"

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Y/N Pov

I looked into the mirror of my dressing table as i applied concealer and foundation followed by layers of mascara on my eyelashes. I tired doing my wings but gave up after a few minutes when it wasn't working. After doing the rest of my make up i rushed down the stairs putting on my heels and jacket, i got into my car zooming down the road to meet up with my best friend, Justin.

I got to the MSG stadium in under 15 minutes, a new record for me. Justin was here doing a album signing today and he asked me to come for moral support. I was happy to oblige because he is my best friend.

As soon as i arrived i noticed all the glamorous models hanging over Justin as he listened to his manager probably telling him the plan for the day. I walked up to them, even though i was all dressed up and had make up and heels on i didn't feel happy with myself, I didn't match up to the other models that were there. I wasn't skinny. I wasn't tall. I had boobs, i had puppy fat on my belly, I had curves, i had thick thighs, i had a big bum...I didn't look like a model and thats what scared me because if i ever wanted Justin to like me more than a friend, i needed to lose all this extra fat.

Justin came running up to me once he saw me standing by the table. He had his million dollar smile on his face as he came up to me, he pulled me into a hug I wrapped my arms around his neck inhaling his amazing scent of Cartier. "I'm so glad you're here Y/N, I need someone to keep me sane" I giggled at his frustration, his management always make him work too hard and he gets worn out sometimes.

"It's your 4th album Jay are you not used to their demands yet?"

He sighed "I am Y/N but its still hard having to live up to their expectations. I thought it would get easier as time went on but it's still the same controlling people telling what to do. I wont be sustainable if they keep doing this i need to put my foot down soon...but I'm scared of the consequences and what'll happen to my career if i put them in check.

"What happened to the little rebel i knew back in Stratford? You wouldn't take no for an answer, it was either Justin's way or the highway" I smirked remembering the good times we shared back at home before all the fame happened. Don't get me wrong I'm so proud of him that he's achieved all this at such a young age but i just missed the fun we had back at home, our normal lives.

"Justin you're needed back on set, we need to run through the last minute details before we open the doors"

"The only good thing about being here today are all these models. I wish you were a model sometimes Y/N" He mumbled, there was a slight smirk on his face as he walked away. My heart shattered as my brain replayed the words he said over and over again. I sighed i knew it was too good to be true as if Justin would ever want to be more than friends.

I walked up to Scooter where he directed me on stage. Karla walked up to me handing me a dress "Justin wants you to be a model on stage too, put these on now!" I went backstage and tried on the skimpy outfit of a small bra and some panties. I tried it on but i didn't feel like all the other models. I just felt out of space which made me want to cry. Why does Justin want to humiliate me on stage in front of so many people.

Nevertheless, i put the clothes on hoping it would cover my flabby parts but it didn't work because as soon as i went backstage i got stares from the other models. Some of them were looking, pointing and laughing most likely at how i looked and my weight.

"Look at her, she looks so fat"

"Ew why would Justin want her as a model?"

"She doesn't have blond hair or a flat chest, why would Justin want her"

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