"For a price"

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Marcos POV

"Oh Marco! You already hurt her!"

"Huh..? What do you mean?! I would never lay a finger on her!" I said angrily..I would never do that to her...did I..?

Of course you did you Buffon, you forgot already? Geez..always denying the truth..tsk tsk..classic Diaz..when will you ever learn? Before you say your last words?

"You never would never lay a finger on her? Sure that's true..but emotionally..that's not the case.."Glossy said folding his arms..I breath hitched "I..I did..?..wait..How do you know!" I said backfiring back..my hands clutched with anger and..guilt..?

You're feeling guilty that you hurt her, Simple.

I did not! I don't want you to trick me into hating star again!

Trick? Open your damn eyes Diaz! You thinking me tricking you to hate her?! That's just an excuse..Your nothing but excuses..

"Well kid,I am the all-knowing-being in the universe..and I am connected to the wands and the wands are connected to Stars emotions.."

I gave him a confused look
Then shook my head

"..look I don't know shit about..whatever happens on mewni or..something among those lines..but I want to be there for star..no matter what.." I said softly..

Oh! Now you want to be by her side?! Even I am inside your brain and I can't figure out of the fuck you're thinking!

Because it's my brain you stupid piece of..arm..?

Yeah, no stop it you're bad at jokes

Good point.

"If you want to be by her side..You have to know what's going on in her life, Not just stay here and assume what's going on"

"Okay..then you tell me..what's to know about Mewni..?"

"Yeah..I'll tell you..

For a price.."

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