"Don't die on me.."

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I honestly think people forgot about this book-


Stars POV

I went in the portal..I was in my room on mewni..I sighed as the portal closed..I feel bad just leaving Mrs Diaz there-

"Hey Princess!" A voice said behind me

"AAHHHHHH!" I screamed in terror..stranger danger..stranger dANGER!  I thought as I grabbed a book and threw it as I turned around to face that person..Oh..it's just Marco..

"Wait..MARCO?!" I said stepping back..His arm got..even more worse!

"Ow star..why?!" Marco said rubbing his head..he fell on the ground because of the book.."I am so sorry! I thought it was someone else so..I threw it.." I said lending a hand to Marco..Marco gladly accepted it and got up.."Thanks Star" He said shooting me a toothy grin..I quickly blushed..and turned my head not to face him "Y-you're welcome!"

"Oh hi Star..where's my pudding?" Glossy said coming out of Marcos pocket..My eyes widen "Glossy?! Why are you- I mean-What is happening?!" I said clutching my hair.

"So..this is what Mewni is like..It's feels interesting.." Marco said looking around my room..stop changing the topic Marco...I thought as my expression turned angry.."..I need answers.." I simply said..Marco raised an eyebrow.."Answers for wha-Ahh!" He said clutching his hair.."Oh..it's happening again.." Glossy said with a straight expression

Marcos POV

Ow! What the hell?!

Guess who's back sonny!

Argh! This again..! Can you stop making me look like I am having a seizure?

Sorry..I did not design my creation Diaz..

Well fuck you too

Stars POV

Marco is not speaking..he just fell to the floor.."..M-Marco?! What happened!? Cmon talk to me!"I said running over to him and slightly shaking him..Marco..you idiot..why didn't you stay at home! I thought as tears started forming in my eyes..I gulped and carried him to my bed..(A/N: No,Not like that) and gently put him down on it..

I looked at him softly..his face..he looks like he's dying everyday I see him..I thought as more tears fell..I just fell on the ground and rested my head on the edge of the bed where Marco was on.."..I am sorry..that I am useless..I didn't even help you at all..I just caused you more pain..I don't like seeing you like this..at all..but I am the cause of it..I am the cause of it all.." I said between sobs..I grabbed his hand and held it tightly.."I am sorry..I am sorry.." I said quietly..it was barely a whisper..

Marcos POV

..star..no..please don't cry..

Well too bad so sad..that won't be the last bunch of tears she sheds for you Diaz..


This is just the beginning..Diaz..

Stars POV

This..this is all my fault..

"Star..please don't-" Glossy said reaching out to me..but I quickly pushed him away "Don't touch me!" I said crying even more..if that's even possible..

"Star.." Glossy said sadly

Marcos POV

Ha..looks like she's broken..because of you..

Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!

I thought as I felt tears prick my eyes in my physical body..

Stars POV

If you die on me Diaz..I'll burn this whole town..I thought looking at him.."..He's..crying..?" I said softly crying as well..I griped his hand even tighter "..Yes..his thoughts also connect to his physical body" Glossy said..

Marco..what are you thinking..? I thought biting my lip.."Marco..you can hurt me..you can even kill me..but..please don't die on me"


Well..that happened

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