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I got more fanart which..just makes my day..seriously thank you so much Asmethyst!

seriously thank you so much Asmethyst!

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(Btw I love that all the ships except Starco is happy

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(Btw I love that all the ships except Starco is happy..Poor Starco..)

Stars POV

"So..Is this what it feels like to fade away..Star..?" I heard Marco say weakly while I hold and hug him for dear life..My eyes widen..


I pull away from him..I felt my mouth go dry..His face is filled with purple scales..and his brown eyes are turning into a shade of yellow..I could see tears coming out of his eyes..he was slowly closing his eye lids..I felt my eyes prick up tears as well.."No..M-Marco..Don't you dare..Don't you fucking dare..!" I yelled out..hugging him tightly..I don't want to let go..not now..not ever..

"Star why did you want to met in your room-" Mom said opening my room door..her sentence was interrupted by a gasp..I shivered in fear..I clenched my teeth as the tears fell.."M-mom..p-please..save him..I-I-" I said holding him tighter..sobbing between every sentence..I..can't stop crying..I just wanted to see you happy..

I remember when you used to smile..when we used to laugh..when you used to do stupid things..together..but..

How did it all come to this..?

Where did we go wrong..Marco?

"Star..tell me..what happened.." Mom said coming near me.."I-I..caused this..I caused all of this..!" I said..as my bangs were covering my eyes..I have to die..not him..I thought bitterly.."Star..how can I help you..if you don't tell me what happened.." mom said sitting near me.."Toffee.." I simply said..My lips pursed as my eyes were still hidden because of my bangs.."Toffee..?!" Mom said as her eyes widened..

"Toffee's got to die!" I said with an angry scowl..



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