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Jackie's POV

Earth, In front of her house

Agh! Here is Oscar! We're getting late for school..! I thought looking around in search of the music-loving-vampire(Well..not really)..I sighed and huffed..If I am late for school..it's his fault-

"..Um..hey Jackie! Sorry for being late.." Oscar said behind me..I turn around to face him..with an expression of anger..I saw himself chuckling nervous...My expression softened..I sighed "Sigh..Oscar..next time don't be late.." I said smiling weakly..I can't be angry at him..he's way too adorable..!

"I am sorry! I really am!" He said with a tone of guilt in his voice..looking down and closing his eyes not wanting to face me..I giggled a bit "Dude..it's really alright..we all make mistakes..!" I said grabbing his hands in mine softly..causing him to look at me..surprised "...Still..sorry..I kept you waiting for so long..I want to make it up to you.." he said whispering to me..Holding my hinds even tighter..I smiled

"Well.." I said smirking..as I removed my hands from his..

"Well..?" He said confused..

"..maybe..you could..take me out on a date..huh vampire? What do ya say?" I said smirking even more..coming closer to him..almost reaching his lips..Oscar blushed bright red "Uh-um-I-..I mean-...Ah-..Sure!" He said as he nervously sweated and stuttered..I just giggled at his dorky-ness..He just huffed "Jackie..what the hell are you doing to me..? Stop teasing me-"

"Oh shut it and kiss me,ya dork" I said grabbing his shirt "W-wait! Jackie! Mph-" He said as I cut him off with putting my lips on his..Oscars eyes widened..But he slowly melted into the kiss..I smiled through the kiss..Oscar put his hand on my head tugging my hair slightly..I just cupped his cheeks to deepened the kiss..

Me and Oscar pull away..slowly.. breathless..and we were with disappointment that the kiss ended..his kisses were warm..and the warmth escaped me..I sighed as my hands laid on his chest and he pulled me closer to him gripping my waist gently..we both looked at each other..eyes half-lidded..my brain was turning hazy at every second.

"Wow..that was.." Oscar said breathless..I smiled "Amazing..?" I said looking him in the eyes..

"Yeah, Amazing.." He said as he kissed my nose..I giggled and hugged him..

You know what..I thought smirking..

"..You know..how about we ditch going school..and go to my room..to have some fun~" I said as I whispered seductively in his ear..I felt his body tense up..which I smirked at..

Oscar pulled away from the hug "A-are you sure..? I-isn't to soon? I-I..don't want to hurt you.." He said softly in a caring tone..Which caused my heart fluttered..I snicker..and put one hand and cupped his check "Oh..Oscar..You're always gentle and caring..that's the reason I fell in love with you..and if you're not ready..you can always tell me.." I said with a dumb grin on my face..I blushed at him smiling back at me the same way.."Sure..let's go..Jackie" He said whispering to my ear pulling me close..which sent shivers down my spine.

Janna's POV

At school, Break, In the ally

Tom and I were sitting in the ally, chilling

"..Tom..were is Jackie and Oscar at?" I said looking at him..he shrugged "I don't know out on a date or something.." tom said lazily..I rolled my eyes "But were is Star and Marco?! We haven't seen them for like I don't know..two days..! Something sketchy is going on I tell ya!" I said suspiciously looking around to see any signs of weird things..Tom sighed "Janna..if something sketchy were going on, We would know about it already..okay..if we don't see them tomorrow, we'll go to the Diaz's house if ya want to feel sure that they are not kidnapped ..or something.." We said smiling reassuring me that everything's gonna be okay.

I blushed and smiled back "So..wanna go summon some demons after school?" I said in a creepy yet joking tone...Tom chuckled "I don't know whether I should find that offensive or funny.." He should holding my hand..He blushed and smiled at me I did the same.."Well..it could be both...and..hey tom.." I said leaning on his shoulder..


"I know that you came to my house to check on me..and I have to say.."

Toms body tensed up as his eyes widened "Janna it isn't what you think-"

"I love you too you moron" I said as I kissed his check


Hey my pineapples! I know I didn't update yesterday so here's an extra long chappie!^^

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