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Jackie's POV

"..Dare I say it..I am getting worried about Janna and Tom.." I said slowly,In a sad tone..Tugging on the soft blanket on the bed..Oscar looked over to me with a book in his hands "Mrs Diaz said they both went together on a family trip..And I asked about Star and Marco..She kept quiet.." He said in an unsure tone..

I slowly look down and cross my arms "But..I can't help but feel..Like they are hiding something from us.." I said softly..Oscars eyes slowly soften.."We don't know for sure..but in the mean time..let's trust them..okay?"

"..Okay.."I pouted as I snuggled closer to my boyfriend.

Janna's POV

"Oh so this is mewni!Its corny!"I said smirking smugly to the demon..He just groaned and came closer to me"I love you But,Stop it with the puns" He said bringing his hand to mine and slowly dragging me.."Hey! Where are we going?" I said as my eyes widened with his action..His head turned to face me with my hand still in his and gave me a crooked smile..

"To mewni castle"

My eyes widened with joy..


"Seriously?!" I said to him in an unbelievable tone..Gripping his hand even tighter now..

"Yeah..Well..That's our first spot to check.." He said bringing me to an orange-ish castle..It was of medium size "Is..This the castle..?" I asked out of pure curiosity and joy..He shook his head.

"Nope!" He said smiling..

"Eh?" I said with a pale face..He chuckled as he slowly pointed at a castle at the top of the sky..Below many other castles..

"That's Butterfly kingdom" He said confidently..

I am gonna die when I reach there-

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