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Um..hey guys..

I got some very important news to share with you all..and please make sure to tell everyone about this..Even though you find this boring please read this.

Earlier today,the FCC chairman decided to change the Net neutrality laws by not letting us have easy access to the internet anymore.

And that sounds bad..because it is..very..very bad.

See, Net neutrality means to do whatever you want on the internet and have easy access to it..Well they are trying to make profit out of this.

Like for example, One day your on YouTube and you click on a video but it says 'Sorry But you have to pay for this package before watching'

Yeah..They are trying to strip away the thing we do videos..but not only that..the whole internet will be like that..including Wattpad..

There is absolutely no harm in profiting in something..but..This is way too can't profit out of us just from what we have been using for decades and what we love doing the most..The internet is what makes the world connected it helped bring people all over the world together..The internet is where we shared our talent..And most importantly..the internet is where we make friends

And using that to make money is..just wrong..

So please..tell your friends and family about this.

Thank you so much


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