Its not a choice

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Alex's POV

"Do you ever get the feeling your being watched"

"Who doesn't and why?"

Sam asked back.

"Well I kinda got it now" I said in a lower voice. in the corner of my eye I saw Sam turn around to look for the source of my weird feeling.

The next thing I know I'm being pushed to the ground and a scream slipped out of my mouth.

I looked up to see Ashton my excited nephew or my sisters son.

"Ashton why are you here?" I asked because he is only in year 1.

"Oh well we are Here to pick up Sage! and I saw you and I wanted to say hi." he said in an adorable tone.

"Why do you need my bro?"

I questioned him.

"Oh well grandma" (my mum) "told mummy and me to give him new samples."

"Ahh new lenses, do you mind if we tag along?" I gestured to me and Sam "I need to tell him something."

"What is it ?" ash asked.

Oh god this will be harder on him than I was to me.

Um well I um I gotta go away for a while." I said it remembering his reaction to last years tour.

"Where and how long?" he muttered in a small voice.

"Uhh everywhere and..."

"HOW LONG WILL YOU BE GONE FOR!" he demanded trying to hold back tears.

" After three weeks... the ready of the year."

"WHAT" screamed and ran into me with a forceful hug I could hear him sobbing and at that moment sage and

Jayden walked towards us.

As soon as my sister Jayden saw Ashton she rushed towards us.

"What happened?" she ask worried as she crouched down next to Ash to stroke his back. she looked back up at me, signalling for me to answer her question.

"Tour" I answered sadly. "You don't have to do it Alex" Sam said reassuringly joining back into the scene. oh but I do. sage walked over to us with a poker face but I can see hurt in his eyes.

Ash hugged me tighter if that was possible for a small kid like him.

"It isn't that bad is it?" I heard an Irish voice say. I turned around to she Niall standing their.

"Well the amount of time I'm away from my friends and family yeh sorry" I said in a depressed tone.

"Yes I understand that it's hard on all of us but at least we have each other. And are we really that bad of company?" he asked in fake hurt.

I really don't know the boys are my friends but I don't like being there hamster. so I'm really not sure.

"Well you guys are ok well all except one" I said to spare his feelings but that one person he should know well.



Hey guys I know it's been along time since my last update but I've had school and stuff.

I hope you like my new characters Sage, Ashton and Jayde. :D

Thnx for reading I know it's short but I'll make up for it next week with 2 new chapters and maybe 1 more this week.

Once again thank you for reading so vote comment and follow me thnx



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