Better Than Any Movie

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your pov

We were wall walking out of the theaters and then dewey says

"Oh, man, that is classic cinema." and then you says to lena "So good! Oh, and remember when the surgeon tried to cut the mole queen in half but then she multiplied into a million mole babies and then they ate him?"then you webby and lena started to inmates growling and then we all started to laugh then we started to walk away you see miss bleakley talking to lena then you started to walk toward the guys and then louis says in kinda angry/annoying/confused tone

"Lame! Where was the drama, the heart, the needlessly expensive car crash mayhem"and then huey says"Even if mole men did exist, why attack someone in the shower? With the water running there wouldn't be enough traction to attack anyone above the knee.Totally phony" then webby says while pointing to the poster for the movie "What is with you guys? It says right on the poster: Based on an actual true novel." then huey says while talking his junior wooduke guide book from under his hat

"his is the only book I trust.If it's not in the Junior Woodchuck guidebook, then it's not a thing."then you get interested then webby walked up to huey and says "What about were-ducks?" "Nope."
"- Tri-clopses?" "- Not a thing."
"- Well, what about the legendary Terra-firmians of Duckburg?" "[sighs] Let's see.Pterodactyl, terror-dactyl, terrible twos.Nope.""No Terra-firmians.""- Must not exist."you walked up and says "What? Terra-firmians, the mythical underground race that live below our very city?" huey chuckles while saying " that's ridiculous" then you says "No, you're ridiculous.' then lena says while putting her arms around you and Huey

"Children, children, there's an easy way to settle this.Let's go find them ourselves." then miss bleakley coughed but then launchpad started to scream then everyone but me,lena and huey started to run toward launchpad but then when they were distracted me and lena started to run toward the subway but then they stopped us and then he says

"Wait, shouldn't we tell someone where we're going before we blindly explore a network of dark and abandoned subway tunnels? " then we all looked up at the door then we all says quietly

" We're heading down into the subway."

"Okay, don't wait up."

"Were leaving bya"

Then huey says "ah much better" then we started to walk then we found a close off area then lean said" i wonder what's here " then she started to push then you says happily"the old 818 train line.
Famous for Terra-firma sightings.That's why it's closed off." then huey says "the signs say "closed for renovations." then i say "thats their  distraction part " then huey says" who's their" then you say while walking away "exactly" then huey says confused"what" then  lena open the door we all look then lena says "now we have to explore " then lena started to walk off then she screams

"Hello" then everything started to shake then huey says "These old tunnels.You can hear train vibrations from miles away." then you say walking away "why would they have trains in an old building." then you then says reading webbys book rhats you stole from her

"the Terra-firmians are an ancient race built of two warring tribes.The Terries and the Firms.They were once united under a proud king.After the king's untimely death, an epic battle began over who would assume control.But one day the rightful prince will reunite the two tribes and put an end to their bitter conflict"lena then ask, " So these Terra thingies are responsible for that tremor?"then huey says while reading his WJW book

"According to the JWG, earthquakes are shifting tectonic plates.Science fact.No reason for any of us to

go in there. The book knows everything."then lena took hueys book and then she thought down the stairs and then you started to laugh then huey groan while walking down the stairs and then we all started to walk then you say

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