Legend says

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(warning: might be really short!)

normal pov

after that Storkules thing, You were looking into the location and you found out...It was a cemetery! you stand up use your new wristwatch thing and you call scrooge when he picked up he says, "hello, who be this?" you then say, "hello, Uncle scrooge it's me!" he then asks, "(y/N), is that ye!" you smile and says, "yes, Uncle Scrooge I'm going on a walk okay." Scrooge agrees and you hang up and back for your 'walk'. 

Once you were out of the house, you found the old cemetery. It was creepy and you mumble, "why would this be here" but you saw a small glowing light onto the hill. you then run up the hill. and once you did. You saw two graves and once you saw the names you teared up while you felt the wind blow your (H/L) (H/C) hair. you then falls to your knees and you looks at the flower's on the ground. You saw a (F/C) rose and you felt the pedel and you felt one tear going down. You then looks at the graves that read '(M/N) and (F/N)' you look and you whisper, "why would I be led here?" you then looks down to see your (Silver/ Gold) plated moon necklace glowing a (F/C). you gasp as you saw the green grass right in front of the two graves glow a glowing (F/C) you sigh and yiu dig until you saw a small Blue notebook. You picked it up and you looked inside and you saw many pages of your mother's handwriting and you say a page that read, "Answers will be solved" you gasp and read it aloud,

" if you have a question that no one knows about, find this man! he has the answers to any question you want! he is by the old forest. right in the middle. find him if your curious and Adventures!" 

you laugh, and stood up saying, "I guess I know where I'm heading next!"

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