The Shadow War

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on the houseboat, you were helping the triplets move back in. while the triplets were trying to carry a really heavy box in you were sitting down watching. you sigh and looked at your friendship braclet webby made for you and lena. you then look over to see the others talking you walk up and if right on cue some fish on bread was shoved in yout guys faces and Donald ask, "Snacks?" everyone looks in disbelieve at each other you them mumble, "wimps" you then grad a sandwich and eats it. it was meh you then say, "not bad" Donald then notice something he then ask, "where Dewe-" but it was cut off by dewey sitting on the stiars right behind him saying, "nope! right here not stealing the boat" Donald calmed down and says, "oh" dewey then says, "yep, back to the good old days, woo-woo" he then put a life vest on his brothers then says, "woo" 

later, launchpad came and he past a box full of the stuff they got from living with scrooge he then says, "hey guys, i think you misplaced this boxs" dewey let go of the box he was holding before walked up to launchpad and says, "we're getting rid of that boxs!" webby then ask why and it had so many good memories. and she handed them some stuff they got then they put it in the sea then webby and launchpad talked while you tried practicing your weird magic hands or something then Donald told the triplets they are moving. once you heard this you widen your eyes then webby ask you, "you in?" then you ask, "in on what?" webby then say, "on making a dinner that has the triplets and scrooge aqns they will get along" you then look away and say, "..nah" webby then ask, "what why!?" you then explain, "what scrooge did was unbelievable if they want to get back togther they will have to do it their selves" webby and launchpad look away from you and walk away to start their plan. 

later, while webby and launchpad did their own thing the boiys were in their room. they heard a knock on the door and they flinch and look to watching there. they open the window and you say, "thanks" Huey then ask, "(Y/N) what are you doing here" you then say, "well, i wanted to talk to you before you guys moved" Huey then say, "oh you...heard about that" you then nodded Dewey walked in as a sailer saying it was the new him and there was a letter to a dinner and they agreed to go. you roll your eyes then dewey ask, "wait (Y/N) why are you here" you shrugged and explained what you told the other two. dewey looked at you then say, "you confusing" you then say, "what how!?" dewey then explain, "what minute you're saying you hate us and you 'know the truth' and the next your smiling and laughing with us" you look at then and huey say, "yea it is confusing" you then explain, "fine ill...tell you. ever since i saw..or heard all that stuff i just kinda felt numb inside. when we are all laughing together I'm happy on the outside but not in inside. if i was truly happy then my eyes would go back to normal!" they looked togther then you say, "i-i'll let myself out" they tried to call you put you only turn to them then say, "see ya at the dinner" then you left leaving the boys even more confused then before.

at the dinner, you all look to see that Webby and Launchpads made dinner that looked like....Duckburge and you guys webb yand launchpad then explain that the food was supposed you remind you guys about family miss.bleakly came down with food saying, "i heard their was a farewell party I brought ambrette. launchpad and webby then left the room.

when they returned, webby lifted her cut in the air and screamed, "a toasted! a dictionary defines Family as, as a group of people  that are bound togther by commitment and unwary loyalty, so let each say something nice about a family member" Dewey then says, "fine, I'll go with uncle Donald because it is devoted to his family unlike others " Donald had a big smile on his face then Huey say, "yea, and he's thoughtful" louie then added, "Don't forget passionate "  you then say, "I'm going to go because i want to but, Donald knows how to fix a boat" Launchpad then says, "and he has a nice sailor suit" Donald took off his hat and was about to cry webby then says, "ugh, Okay everyone loves donald. How about we talk about another family member he isn't in this room over 80 and is very rich" you then slammed your head on the table Huey then lifted your head up then dewey ask, "why are you guys acting so weird" Launchpad then says, "uh- were not? EMERGENCY BOUNCY HOUSE" Launchpad then pulled out a mimi bouncy house that turned into a big one then while everyone is crushed beakly says, "Webby, Launchpad a word!"then they left while you bravved a needle and poped the bouncy house.

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