I Though You Were Gone Forever

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(A/N):okay this part isn't in a epsiode i just wanted to make this for halloween and i this thought just came into my head and they might he a really short thing so sorry now ON WITH DA STORY

_________________________________________________________________________________your pov

we were in the plane with launchpab driving you've been out of it all day you just wanted to stay home and just stay in bed thinking about stuff and watching scary movies or drawing or something you weren't listing to scrooge when he was talking about an old gold coin or something then you feel Webby nudge you  look at her and she asks

"hey (Y/n) are you okay"you looked at her and do a fake smile then she looks away when we finally landed with a small crash then we see a old mashion you look over to everyone .everyone but scrooge looks scared we walked in and your shocked that the door didn't close or slammed but then we started to walk around until you heard a little voice say with wind blowing in your (H/l) (H/c) hair

"(Y/n)"you turned around and you say to everyone "okay who said my name"they all looked at each other then dewey says "i thought it was scrooge" scrooge didn't notice he just wanted who knows what we kept walking


you kept hearing a little voice say your name and every time you would call someone out for it they would says they didn't say it but they heard it but then you heard a very familiar voice say with wind still blowing "(Y/n) why did you leave me" you shuddered it was until we heard launchpad screamed we all turned around to see a darkness taking him away you all gasp and then scrooge says

"h-hes fine kids lets keep walking"we nodded and kept walking we walked into a huge living room you walked in then the door slams then you laughed and screamed "FINALLY" then you see the fire lot but then you see a shadow but then when it notice you were looking at it it glared at you then the very familiar voice say "(Y/n) you left us you....will....PAY" then it jumped onto scrooge and we see it take scrooge away you all screamed then you all run out but before lousie and dewey could that thing took them away then you scream

"DEWEY LOSUIE"then you huey and webby ran into a closet and you all started gasping for air and you started to freak out you kept gasping for air you started to pace freaking out then huey notice he walked up to you then he hugged you you started to clam down you hugged back then after a mintues you both let go and then you sat down thinking of a plan then you hear the voice say 

"oh (Y/n) you replace with with that girl she will leave you"then yours eyes widen and then you hear webbys scream then the voice added, "they always do!"  you grabbed hueys hand and you both ran out and you guy turned the corner and then you guys stop and you ask huey

"hey umm huey what was the thing scrooge wanted from this place" he looks at you and he says "it was a neck less uncle scrooge says it is able you give you more engry if you wear it it is (F/c) with a (2 F/c) arua around it" you nodded and say "maybe if we get it that thing will let our family go"((a/n):you think of the Mcducks/duck as family even webby)he nodded and we started to look but then after a while huey says he found it he opened it and it wasn't it but then we heard russlig but then we started to run until we went into a big room it was filled with boxes and spiderwebs and then the voice says"oh (Y/n) you don't reamber what this place is well all that happened is your fault "then you say to huey 

"um huey you didn't happen to hear th-" you got interupped by hueys scream you grabbed huey hand and you tried pulling his arm but then his hand were slipery then he let go then he dispeared you just looked at the spot huey got taken you fell on your knees you started to tear up then you fell on your side you curld into a ball then you started to cry you cried to a couple of mintues until something caught your eyes you got up and you picked up the small boxs and you opened it and you started to hear music it was he song your mother would sing to you((A/n:the music is at the top) you started to tear up until a light caught your eyes again you saw another box it was longer but then you opened it but then you saw a little neck less it was (F/c) with a (2 F/c) aura your eyes widen in realizion then held the neck less in your hands  then you looked at the music box but then you looks at the bottom of it and it says "to :(Y/n) from :(M/n (mothers name) then you whispers with a tear going down your face then you curl into a small ball and cried a little more and then you realized something 

"t-this is the mashion i grew up and that thing was my old friend"that why she left you alone you realize this was your old favorite neckless as a duckling then you put the neck less on and huey was right it did give you more engry you then out the music box in your sachel then you say "Its time your doing down Emily"(your old friend that took your family) you then sneak your way  into the living room then you see Emily useing your family like puppets with red eyes your growl but then you jump down and you hear emily say"oh that poor (Y,n) (L/n)all alone with no one shes alone how i felt "you stand up you saw your family but they were different they were like shadow you got a potien and threw at them and they turned back to normal and webby was about to kick when emily screams  angrily"(YYYYY/NNNNN) "and her shadow hand grabbed you and she made a portal and threw you in and then she went in then you hear all oh your family scream in surpise/shock"(YYYYYYYYYY/NNNNNNN) then it went into darkness 

time skip

you open your eyes to see emily and she became huge then you grab your grapple hook and you went above her and tried to kick her but she grabbed your leg and threw you into the wall (of darkness or somthing)then she started to tower over you then you got an idea then you grabbed your new music box and it started to play your music and she stopped and look at it like she was in awe 

then you went behind her and you kicked her and she turned around and she she screamed "YOU LEFT MEE" then you screamed back "I DIDN"T MY PARENTS DIED"she froze and you thought of something you look at your neck less then you grabbed your grapple hook then you went into front of her and you grabbed your neck less and said some words 

"私の宝石の中で魂を解放する"(i didn't know what to write here so it might suck)then she started to disapeare into my neckless and that took of your engry then you dropped down to your knees and it all went dark

time skip

you slowly started you wake up and you  bearly hear someone say in a scottish accent " (Y/n) (Y/n) please be okay" then you see a blury scrooge launchpad huey dewey louie and webby looking at you worryed then scrooge say "oh thank goodness your okay" then you say in a weak voice "w-what happened" then huey says "we don't know all we know is that shadow took you in a portal and then after a while you came back here and you fell to your knees and you wouldn't make up until now" then your eyes widen and you say

"E-Emily"you look at your neck less and you see some darkness at the end of the (F/c) crystel then scrooge says "you got the neckless" then you ask still in a weak voice "c-can i k-keep it" he nodded and says "you desverse it" you nodded (p.s. you still the the music box) then you say "t-thank you" then out of nowhere webby screamed "GROUP HUG" then everyone hugged you then you hear a little voice say

"thank you (Y/n)" then you say weakily as a tear went down your face"y-your welcome E-Emily" 

________________________________________________________________________________okay i'm sorry if you didn't like it i am not that good at writing my own stuff i will try to get better oh and HAPPY HALLOWEEN

(edit:okay i change the ending because i didn't like the other one of you don't like this ending but you liked the other ending im sorry i just didn't like it go byea)

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