Someone else

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after that whole Fethry thing, you started to look unto more of your parents to see if you could find more about that tribe because someone cleaned that room you liked to be in...and Decorate the room...and put all your stuff in that pretty much your room! and, someone Ripped out that book. You got soo mad. but whatever, you will still find it. You looked online doing random stuff. you really needed a break. until you found a website about a boy about your age. and He says he saw and went to a old tribe that almost died. You smiled and got up and wrote down the kids name. You had a couple of notes you hid in your room. you then say, "okay, let's get this straight. My parents began Adventurers because of Della" you put a piece of paper down, "And They went to this tribe, Without the McDuck/Duck Family." you place another paper down, "And I was born there! and we left. And after that something happened. And years later after Scrooge started to hate the (L/N) family, We went to the tribe again. Parents died. Left the tribe and I went with Webby!" you slam your hands on the table and yelled, "THAT'S IT?!" you sigh and get up and pace saying, "the rest I need to know is, What's that tribe (other than by its name), What do they do there, What happened to it, why did they kill my parents, Where are they now?" you look up to your ceiling and sigh. Unaware to you the kids were on the other side they didn't hear everything you said they just heard you scream, that was it.

later, about an hour later, you were still in your room, you stood up and sighed. you then mumble, "it's time to relax!" you then left to look for something to do.

later, you found an old piano. you knew only a couple of songs. you thought of a song you could relate to. you started to play the song. unaware of you the other kids heard the music and decided to listen. Without realizing your friends there, you started to sing, "If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love When I see the way you act Wondering when I'm coming back I could do about anything I could even learn how to love Like you"  The kids look at each other confused, they didn't know if you were talking about one of them. You might have been...Who knows, "I always thought I might be bad Now I'm sure that it's true 'cause I think you're so good And I'm nothing like you" they didn't know you felt like that. they all look at each other in guilt and nervous that they made you feel like that, "Look at you go I just adore you I wish that I knew What makes you think I'm so special" they notice you paused for a second and you were looking ahead then you started to sing sounded like you were close to tears, "If I could begin to do Something that does right by you I would do about anything I would even learn how to love" you then sound like you are feeling better, "When I see the way you look Shaken by how long it took I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you"  you then sing a little louder, "Love me like you" you sigh and says, "i think I'm getting better!" you then stood up and the kids tense up and runoff. you look at the doorway and roll your eyes with a smile. 

you decided to look for answers again, but out of nowhere the kids come in and webby screams, "(Y/N) WHERE GOING OUT!" you turn toward webby with a confused face saying, "what? Webby what's going on?" Webby then says, "You've been spending too much time in here?" you look at webby and says, "Hey, I went with Hubert, and dewford when they went for a swim!" dewey then says, "(Y/N) i swear if you tell-" you cut him off saying, "fine, I'll go!" you cover up your work and then huey asks, "a-are you sure?" you then say, "it's fine! I need a break anyway!" you got up stretched then walked over to the kids. you then close the door saying, "let me change first!" you then changed into your everyday clothes. you then grab your backpack. (which you fill it up with some Adventure stuff like, (F/C) googles/grappling hook/ smoke bombs/ all that stuff, and your dart gun and your drawing book) you smile. you open the door and smiles. dewey then says, "lets go!" you smile and follow your friends.

later, Webby and the boys took you to the park. on the way there you had some interesting conversations. like you and Louie talked about his new company. you and Huey were talking about the lab Fethry HAD. and you, Dewey and webby were talking about your guys favorite Adventures you've been on and your favorite mythical creature. once you guys reach the park, you all played a couple of games, Hide and seek, Woodchips, and your's and webby's favorite...Darts. and once you guys were done with that, you five sit of the grass talking a eating, "You seriously Did that to Scrooge!? and you were EIGHT!" that was said by dewey when you and webby told the triplet about a prank you did on Scrooge a long time ago. and they were dying from laughing. you smile, this is what you missed when you had those dull eyes. you smile and laugh. You sigh happily and lie down on the grass. You (H/L) (H/C) hair was going all over the place on the grass (not as much if you have more hair.....unless its REALLY short than its just how your hair is when you lie on the grass) you looked at the ski and you say, "Louie, I think I know how you feel being lazy!" louie then says, "I'm Not THAT lazy!" that cause the other four duckling to laugh while louie just sat there with an annoyed look. Then out of nowhere water spilled on you. You opened your eyes and said, "okay who did that?" you sit up to see anyone else pointing to a gorup of kids. you look over at them and smirk you turn to webby and says, "you got the noollab?" webby smiles and hand you a water balloon. you then grab a water bottle and put some dirt in it. Huey then asks, "what is she doing?" dewey then says, "something awesome I bet!" you fill the bottle with dirt and then puts it in the balloon. you then walk over to the group of friends who was messing with water balloons. you then says, "boys, be carful of where you throw those things!" and you through a water bottle at a duck around your age and you sat back down with your friends. after a mintue a boy screams, "HEY! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA!" you turn around the face the kids and you say, "YOU through it in MY face first!" you gasp once you see the boy you hit with the water balloon.  it was the same boy from the website. you then says, "....Noah?" the boys eyes widen and he says, "h-how do you know my name!?" all you said to the boy was, "Arboretum?" the boys eyes widen and he asks, "h-how? w-why? " you stood up and looked in stright in the face you then says, "have you ever been there?!" the boy then says, "y-yes, but I never..I Don't remember that much!" you then says, "how much DO you remaber?!" he then says, "j-just the name and what it looks like!" you then asks, "do you want to know anything about it?" the boy looks at you and he says, "w-well, i-I never thought about THAT! B-but I-I guess." the thought for a moment before adding, "i DO!" then he says, "w-would you help me?" you then whispter, "you're lucking I'm looking into it..Just don't tell my friends!" he then says, "We'll both help eachother in looking for it, Okay?" you smile and shake his hand saying, "Okay!" he then hands you a slip of paper. he then says, "text me when you're ready to search" you smile and says, "sure!" you two then go back to your friends and louie asks, "who's that?" you then says, "Someone I heard about." dewey then says, "alright, well, let's continue what were doing!" you smile and put the number in your bag saying, "sure!"  

________________________________________________________________________________There we go! 

I'm really sorry if you don't like what i am adding to this story! I had a idea for reader's story but now I'm working it out! and I have a couple of chapters already plan. so again, sorrry if you don't like it. and um, that fethry epsiode.......Poor Hubert! okay thats all i have


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