Social Menace {2}

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                One thing my Uncle learned very quickly when I moved in with him was that I needed to sing myself awake in the morning.

                "I just keep biting my tongue 'til all you want is done, alright, and you just wanna leave me!" I sang as I washed the shampoo out of my hair.

                There was a banging on the bathroom door. "Hey, rock star, do you want bagel?"

                "Yes," I called back. "Should I sing louder so you can hear me from the kitchen?"

                "Please spare my poor ears," Brian said.

                I laughed to myself and finished showering, getting out and drying myself off. I pulled on clean clothes and headed downstairs, where Brian was just buttering our bagels.

                "Here," he said, sliding one to me and checking the time. "I've got to get going soon. You're on your own for dinner again. I won't be home until late tonight."

                "Good, then I'll have the house to myself to practice my singing," I said.

                "The new rule is that you can only sing when I'm not home," Brian said, biting into his bagel.

                "I'm a young man with hopeful dreams. I need encouragement and enthusiasm from my family," I said.

                "And I need some peace and quiet in my house." Brian hurriedly ate his bagel and got up, mouth still full of his last bites. "Gotta go."

                "Bye," I said, watching as he left the house. I finished up my bagel and grabbed my school stuff.

                I left the house, getting in my car and driving myself down to Braxton. I'd figured out by now what time I had to get here to secure a good parking spot without risking too much free time for people like Drew to find me.

                I parked the car and got out, heading into the school. I found a safe place to hide and took out my phone, checking my email.

                I didn't have anything knew from my advisor or from the teacher advisor for the Social Action Club. Maybe she hadn't gotten a chance to meet with the teacher advisor yet?

                Not that it really mattered. I tucked my phone back in my pocket, reminding myself to just be patient. If it took a few days or even a week to get me into the club, at that was fine.

                Still, it'd be nice to have something to do afterschool. I hated going back to Brian's house and just sitting around alone for the rest of the day.


                I jumped in surprise, spinning around with my hands up. "I have the power of god and anime on my side. Step back."

                The boy in front of me raised an eyebrow. "Someone has been on the internet too much."

                "Sorry, Henry. You know I get jumpy with Drew and his friends around," I said, dropping my hands. "I'm just trying to survive until the standings are out and he realizes I'm not an academic threat."

                Henry was another kid I talked to around school. Not a friend, but someone I felt comfortable hanging out with in the hallways.

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