Social Menace {9}

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I walked into the Social Action room on Wednesday. I'd texted Brian and left him a note that I'd be staying with Tyson tonight, and I was a little anxious about how this was all going to go down.

The others were already in there, desks circled around. Tyson gestured at me to shut the door as I entered the room, and I did so before taking a seat with the rest of them. Bishopp was the only person missing, though that didn't surprise much.

"We hit Marcus Crawford's house tonight," Tyson said. "Outcast, what's your role?"

"To do what you say and not get caught," I said.

"Good, you've already got it figured out. Connor and Farren have the surveillance all settled, so our escape will be covered if something goes wrong. Connor rigged up a distraction method in case anyone wakes up and catches us. We meet at the back trail at one. We get in, run our revenge, and get out." Tyson gave his bag a light kick. "I've got what we need."

"What about his appearance?" Nyssa asked, nodding at me.

"I've got that covered too. We'll be fine," Tyson assured.

"Then there's no need for this meeting," Farren said, checking the time. "I've got homework to do and tests to study for."

"I've got to take Jonesy for a walk," Connor said, glancing at his lightly moving backpack.

"Fine, fine, we can dismiss. Twins, make sure you stretch. I don't need you cramping up during this," Tyson said.

"We're on it, boss," Talon said, saluting Tyson.

Tyson stood up. "Come on, outcast. You'll follow me back to my house."

"Lucky me," I said, standing up and following everyone out of the room. They seemed slightly on edge, but had done this enough times that they weren't overly anxious. Still, they had to know that there was always a risk of something going wrong and them getting caught.

We reached the parking lot and Tyson knocked his fist against the side of his car. "Keep this in your sights and don't get lost."

"You could just give me your address," I pointed out.

"I could. But I like to give you challenges," he said, getting in his car.

I hurried to get into my car and follow him out of the parking lot. I somehow got lucky and managed not to lose sight of Tyson's car as we drove, despite having to speed through two yellow lights and cut off an elderly driver to keep up.

Finally, Tyson pulled into a driveway. I pulled in behind him and he waited as I got out of the car, my schoolbag slung over my shoulder. I'd put a change of clothes and my toothbrush in it this morning.

"Let's go, I don't have all day," he said.

I followed him up the driveway and into the house. Tyson kicked his shoes off and started walking out of the entryway.

"Tyson Lee Strazio, you put your shoes in the closet or I'll stuff your dead body in there!"

The voice came out of another room, a woman's voice. Tyson rolled his eyes and picked both of our shoes up, tossing them lazily into the closet in the entryway.

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