Social Menace {21}

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                "Where is Tyson?" Nyssa asked.

                "He had to stop to talk to a teacher after class," Farren said. "He can't wreck his perfect-schoolboy act."

                It had been a few days since Tyson had told me the truth of Mallory. I'd been texting him hourly every night to make sure he was awake and doing his work, but also bothering him to go to sleep on time. He seemed to be doing better, though I could tell he was still stressed from the workload he'd taken on.

                "Is there anymore on Mallory's project?" I asked.

                Farren shrugged. "He's arranging everything. It'll take place shortly after our volunteer project so he can hog the spotlight before we get more than a taste of it."

                "There's already talk about Mallory stealing our idea, though," Connor said. "Tyson's plan worked. I'm sure Mallory knows we're behind it, though."

                "As long as he can't trace what you did, we should be okay," Bishopp said. "Mallory can't come after anyone without solid proof. Even with his influence, he can only bend the police to his will so much before the law overpowers his money."

                "If Mallory tried to say Tyson was behind anything, my dad would shoot the guy," Farren said. "Dad already hates Mallory and, for some unknown reason to me, adores Tyson."

                "Well, you guys have been best friends since elementary school. Tyson grew up split between his house and yours," Nyssa said. "Your dad would fight to keep both of you out of trouble."

                "Let's say, on the off chance I did fuck up, that Mallory does find a way to trace it back to me. I guarantee my parents would ground my sorry ass and then erase every possible trace of what I've done since joining this club," Connor said. "Mallory has money, but we have our own weapons."

                "There's nothing to prove we were involved. Anyone could be a hacker, not just Connor. There are no security cameras in this room, we have no physical contact about what we do, and if we talk about it outside the club, we're careful," Nyssa said.

                "We also turned their spy into our agent," Talon said in amusement. "The outcast vouches for us."

                "I vouch for you guys too. If we got questioned, I'd maintain that we only talked about volunteer work during our meetings," Bishopp said.

                "I burn the notes once we do the jobs," Farren said. "Tyson keeps his notebook about our services safely hidden, and I keep unfinished jobs hidden."

                "We'll be fine," Talon said. "We're not idiots."

                "Well, some of us aren't," Nyssa said.

                "Hey! Don't be mean, Nys," Talon said.

                "Honesty isn't the same as cruelty, Tal," Nyssa said.

                The door opened and Tyson came in. "I was busy being a good student. Let's get this going."

                He shut the door and took his usual seat. He took out a folder and flicked through papers in it.

                "Alright, I've got a volunteer list, I made up the jobs on Connor's template, I secured funding and materials, and I coordinated with the police and Mr. Zigor about meeting times. We got the local news' attention and I've assigned Connor with camera duty to make sure we have plenty of material to brag with after. Connor is also readying for an attack at sites pushing Mallory's project over ours," Tyson said. "I emailed you all the meeting times and your jobs. Be ready to work hard and look good."

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