Social Menace {10}

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                "Wake up, outcast."

                I cracked my eyes open as Tyson kicked at my body. He noticed I was waking up and backed off.

                "Get up," he said. "We have to go in a little. You need time to shake off the sleep."

                I sat up and checked the time, realizing how late it was. Tyson was dressed in dark clothes, and he threw a pair at me. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and changed into the clothes, trying to stretch and wake myself up.

                Tyson seemed wide awake as he texted on his phone and moved around his bedroom. He tossed a pair of gloves and a ski mask at me.

                "A ski mask?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

                "You can chose not to wear it and let them see your face," he offered.

                "This seems more like burglary," I said.

                "We don't steal anything." He shoved something into a bag and secured it over his shoulders. "I'm not a thief. Just an...unpleasant reminder of consequences."

                He locked his bedroom door and pushed open his window. He swung his legs over it and gripped the edge, looking up at me.

                "Try not to fall," he said, and started climbing down the side of his house.

                I looked out of the window, watching the way he moved his body carefully, finding steady places to balance himself. I climbed out of the window and tried to follow his path, taking it slowly so I wouldn't fall and break my damn neck.

                When my feet hit the ground, I felt relieved beyond belief. I followed Tyson around to his backyard and we went off towards the trees, disappearing into the thick of them, Tyson seeming to know exactly where to go even in the dark.

                "You follow my orders in there, got it?" Tyson said. "I'm not getting caught just because you fuck up."

                "I won't fuck up," I said, despite my rapidly beating heart. This was really happening. I was really putting myself in this position.

                I clenched my fists and steeled myself. Someone had to stand up for victims. Someone had to show bullies they couldn't get away with what they did. I'd been passive since I got to Braxton, but maybe it was time to take a new approach.

                I mentally repeated that message to myself as we walked, strengthening my resolve to go through with this crazy revenge plan. Tyson seemed perfectly content to let us walk in silence, occasionally glancing back at my face and seeming as pleased as he ever got.

                We walked for a while before Tyson stopped and leaned against a tree. He pulled his sleeve back and checked his watch.

                "Quit checking your watch. We're here," Farren said, stepping up to us. "The twins are here, they're just stretching out."

                Tyson took something out of his bag and handed it to Farren. He handed one to me after fiddling with it for a moment.

                "Don't lose it," he said. "Bluetooth earpieces. That's how Connor will talk to us."

                I put it in my ear as the twins came over to us. Tyson handed the earpieces to them, too, before pulling on his gloves.

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