Social Menace {17}

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                None of us were surprised when we were called down to an assembly the next day during class. I took a seat and looked around for any sign of the others, spotting Tyson, Farren, and Connor sitting together. I couldn't see the twins anywhere, but it was starting to get crowded.

                Once everyone was seated and quiet, Principal Devin stepped up to the microphone. "Another crime targeted one of our Braxton students. The police are currently investigating, but with the help of Mr. Mallory, the school will be conducting its own investigation. I'm asking all students to cooperate with us so we can keep you safe from these crimes. We'll be calling students down throughout the day to speak with them. Being called down does not mean you're in trouble, not by any means."

                Mallory stepped up next to him. "Our investigations are meant to keep the students of Braxton safe. Don't be nervous if you're called down. Just cooperate with us as we work towards protecting all of you."

                "Yes, of course," Principal Devin agreed. "Teachers, please excuse any students we call down and make sure they're caught up on anything they miss. Students, stay vigilant, and as always, report anything you know or see to the police."

                He went on to talk about safety and how to keep a look out for any suspicious activity. My gaze drifted to Tyson, who was watching Mallory. I could see the tense set to Tyson's shoulders and wondered what would happen if he was called down to speak with Mallory for the investigation.

                We were sent back to class and I tried to focus on my lessons as the time passed. I couldn't stop thinking about last night, about what I'd told Tyson.

                I never meant for anyone here to know what had happened back in my hometown. I'd tried to escape all of that and get a fresh start.

                No, that was wrong. I'd tried to escape the guilt, not the incident. How could I ever run from the fact that my best friend was dead? How could I ever betray him by burying his memory?


                The voice snapped me out of my thought and I looked up at my teacher. She gestured to the door.

                "Please head to the office. Principal Devin would like to speak with you," she said. "I'll email you the notes you miss."

                I got up, grabbing my bag and forcing a smile. "And here I was hoping I'd have to stay in class and take notes for another half hour."

                I left the room, taking a deep breath to calm myself. There was no way to know I was involved in any of the revenge schemes. It had been happening long before I came to Braxton. Besides, they were just investigating. I doubted they had any suspects.

                The office door was shut, so I knocked on it and waited a moment before pushing it open. The secretary was typing on her computer, but she looked up at me.

                "I'm Nolan Fletcher. My teacher said Principal Devin wanted to speak with me," I said.

                "His office is right through that door. Knock and head in," she said, turning back to the computer.

                "Thank you," I said and went to the door. I knocked and let myself inside.

                "Nolan Fletcher, yes?" Principal Devin said as I shut the door behind me.

Social Menace [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now