Social Menace {16}

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                "You wanted a solid plan, and I have one," Tyson said, flipping open a folder.

                The others watched him warily. They still didn't think this was a good idea, and I could tell by Farren's expression that he was ready to call this whole thing off if even one little piece of Tyson's plan wasn't solid enough.

                "Two dogs and a security camera," Tyson said. "We draw the dogs into the basement, take them out, and wait a half hour for the family to fall back to sleep."

                "Take them out?" I said. "You, uh, you don't mean..."

                "Fuck no," Connor said. "If Tyson was killing dogs I'd be killing him. Stop talking about it. You're going to scare Jonesy."

                "Jonesy shouldn't even be here!" Bishopp said. "Honestly, it can't be good to keep a dog in your backpack all day."

                "I have him trained not to bark in the bag, and I let him wander around outside during lunch," Connor said defensively. "He has separation anxiety."

                "Oh my god." Bishopp shook his head. "Tyson, carry on before I have to acknowledge that this is my life now."

                "We just make the dogs sleep," Tyson said to me. "PETA wouldn't approve of our methods, but the dogs aren't injured or killed, so it's fine. Anyways, Connor, can you hack the camera?"

                "Already tested it. I can hack their computers and their security camera," Connor said. "Send the twins in to set the laptops up."

                "No," Tyson said, shaking his head. "Not this time. The twins are going to stay hidden in the basement. If I run into any trouble with the outcast, they'll cause a distraction and get out quickly. I just need them to get us in and stay alert for any signs of someone waking up." Tyson looked at the twins, but they just nodded. "Farren will keep guard outside, as usual, and he'll have to alert us if any lights go on in the house. That'll be our earliest warning that someone is awake."

                "And if something goes wrong and you two are trapped? You don't know which room is Tiffany's," Farren said.

                "We'll find it," Tyson said, waving away his concerns impatiently. "If something does go horrendously wrong and we get caught, it's the two of us in trouble, not any of you. But I'm not even worried about that. Connor, hack Tiffany's laptop so I can get in when we're inside."

                "I'm no help to you if all I'm doing is watching the security camera. It's just trained on the front porch and park of the driveway," Connor said.

                "It'll be fine. Her dad works a night shift tonight, so we'll have one less problem," Tyson said.

                "Tonight?" Nyssa said in disbelief. "That's a little short notice, Tyson."

                "Is it?" Tyson glanced at the clock. "I know my eyesight is a little limited, but it looks to me like you have plenty of time to prepare, Nyssa."

                "I can't agree with this, Tyson," Bishopp said. "I just can't. So many things could go wrong."

                "So many things could always go wrong, Bishopp. But they haven't, because none of us are idiots. And this time will be no different than any of the other times. We'll get in, set up our blackmail display, and get out," Tyson said. "We act tonight, and if you don't show up on time, then I'll just assume you're not part of this plan and move on without you." Now he was looking around at all of us. "Outcast, you'll find us on your own this time. Don't be seen sneaking out."

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