6- The Big Black Jacket

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6- The Big Black Jacket

I entered the house silently and went straight to my room, to conceal Eric's jacket before mum could see it. I hid the jacket in my wardrobe.

Now you may be asking, why the hell do you have his jacket in the first place?

Answer: I have no clue.

Mum popped her head around the door. "I didn't know you were home." Inwardly, I breathed in a sigh of relief, this meant she hadn't seen me come into the house with Eric's jacket.

"So how did it go?" Mum asked.

"Oh, It was okay," I didn't want to lie to my mum; I just needed to leave the truth out. She had told me to make a good impression on Eric, I don't know what she'll do if she finds out I very nearly broke his nose. So I didn't say anything, until she left the room.

I sighed, took out some books and began doing my homework.

Not long later, Louisa snuck in and shut my door firmly behind her. She ran to my wardrobe, opened it and stared at the big black jacket that was hung up there.

"Louie," she whispered her big blue eyes fixated on Eric's jacket. "Whose coat is that?"

"A friends," I said quickly.

She turned to me, "Giselle's or Eric's?"

"Eric's," I replied simply. Lying wouldn't get me anywhere with Louisa and she won't tell anyone.

"How did you know?" I asked.

Louisa's eyes sparkled as she launched into her story. "I was playing spies when I saw you walk in with a suspicious looking jacket. I snuck along behind you and saw you hide it in your wardrobe."

This was typical Louisa, always pretending she was in a spy movie.

"Louie," Louisa said stretching out the 'ie'.

"Yes, Louie." I pushed my homework away, it was clear Louisa wanted something.

Louisa gave me a mischievous grin. "I dare you to try it on," she said, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Now, why would you do that? It's someone else's,” I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head.

“Oh please Louie,” She begged, “I triple dare you with a cherry on top.” She looked up at me, widening her eyes and making them water ever so slightly.

“Well, how can I say not to that,” I smiled at her.

I sliped Eric’s jacket on and was hit with the scent of him. Even though it was a few sizes too big for me the fabric felt smooth and soft and made me just want to close my eyes and curl up in it.

My hands found his pockets and out of curiosity I fumbled around inside. I felt a cold rectangular object, ‘Oh no! Is that his phone,’ I pulled it out to reveal an IPod.

 ‘Thank god, I did not want to speak to the kind of people would call Eric, I could imagine it right now, those weird needy girls...’ I shivered.

I also found a piece of paper which read:

Dear Eric,

I’d love to be your girlfriend!

Below, there was a number and a name.

Susan xx

‘Oh, she must be Eric’s current girlfriend.’

“Louie?” Louisa broke me away from my thoughts. She looked at me with a curious expression but it was almost instantly replaced with a smile.

“Let me try!” She giggled as she tried the jacket on, which was trailing on the floor. We both laughed at how ridiculous she looks.

She pulled out something from one of the pockets, “What’s this?” She held it up for me to inspect.

It was a condom.

“Louie, put that down and run to the bathroom and wash your hands!” I squeal.

Louisa giggled, thinking it was a game, and ran to the bathroom.

I snuck into mum’s room and grabbed a pair of tweezers from her bedside drawer. She has the weirdest things in there...

Once back in my room I carefully removed the condom and chucked it out of the window along with mum’s tweezers. She won’t miss them.

I made sure I disinfected the area; you don’t want to know where that thing has been.

I certainly don’t.


I came up with the condom bit last minute.

It's finally holidays, it's only a week but I seriously need a break from school.

Even though it's holidays, I can't promise loads of updates because I have to study for end of year 10 exams.


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Far-Car ="."= (bunnny)

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