17- Feeling Spiffy

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17- Feeling Spiffy

I yawned. It was like this every Monday morning, I would sleep walk through my lessons, trying to move as little as possible.

As second period ended, I hurled my bag over my shoulder and sluggishly made my way to my locker.

I found Giselle waiting there and she grabbed my arm leading me to the music corridor which was always empty. "What's up?" I asked Giselle as she looked different than usual. Normally, she was in an incredibly bad mood, complaining about how her dad her dad had got her to wake up super early to take part in a club or something.

"I need you to lookout and make sure no one comes by here." She said looking expectantly at me.


"Don't worry, I doubt anyone will come down here."

"Well, that totally answered my question," I said sarcastically. "Thanks."

"Anytime. Ciao!" She skipped of merrily leaving me staring after her.

'What on earth is wrong with her?'

'Maybe I should go and investigate.'

'But she told me to stay here. Besides, what if is something I don't want to see?'

I shook my head. 'Giselle would never do something like that.'

'You never know...'


I jumped up in surprise and a little scream escaped my mouth.

I turned around to find Conner grinning at me. "Hey," he said.

"Hi!" I shuffled and looked at my feet. What did Giselle say, distract?

"So..." I started, "Life?" Great. Conversation starter of the year award goes to me.

"I mean, how's life?" I felt my ears start to heat as I realized how stupid I sounded

"Good, you?" His smile didn't falter at my stupid question.

"Feeling spiffy!" I said, without thinking. Now I knew my face would be as red as a fire engine, so I tried to cover it up.

"You know, you and I don't talk very often, so this is a little awkward."

His smile widened and he'd seemed to have forgotten my previous comment.

"Yeah, how about we meet at the knot on Friday after school?" He asked.

'The Knot? The cafe near school? Did he mean... a date?'

It took me a while to comprehend what he said but before I could answer, I felt cool lips brush against my burning cheek, and in the blink of an eye, he'd disappeared.

So I stood there, eyes as wide as saucers, mouth reaching the floor and my hand pressed against the cheek Conner had kissed.


I skipped into my French class humming a random tune I'd made up a minute ago. I wasn't going to over think this, yes, it was a bit sudden but... He liked me! Someone in the world actually cared for me in such a way!

The thought made my cheeks burn and my head feel dizzy. I sprung myself into my chair but I'd hoped would be a graceful leap sent me flying as it tripped over someone's bag and landed comfortably on my back.

I stared up and warm grey-blue eyes met mine, I knew who it was instantly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Eric.

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