3- What's His Last Name Again?

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3- What's His Last Name Again?

"Mum, I'm home," I declared as I stepped into the apartment. My dad worked for this business and his wages was what everything in our lives counted on. Mum only worked part time at my little sister's primary school, so we didn't have much money to afford a big place.

"Louie!" I heard a high pitched voice shriek.

"Louie," I open out my arms and hug my little sister, Louisa. Louisa was six, and when she was smaller, she used to call me 'Louie' because she couldn't pronounce 'Eloise'. After a while the nick name stuck. I liked the name Louie; no one else ever called me anything other than Eloise.

Louisa had got the best out of both of my parents; she had my mum's curly blonde hair and my dad's big blue eyes. However, I got my mum's green eyes and my dad's straight brown hair. We looked so different, people actually got surprised when we explained we were sisters, not mother and daughter. We had the same nose though.

"Now Louisa, let your sister go and get changed." My mum said and took Louisa into the kitchen. I went to my bedroom, which was the smallest room in the house, I think even the bathroom was bigger than my room. When my parents first bought this place, it was a one bedroom flat. After Louisa was born they decided I needed my own space, so they gave me a small space that used to be a balcony and called it a room. I'm thankful of my parents because they tried their hardest to make this room homely and I appreciate having my own space.

After I get changed into some comfortable clothes and headed to the kitchen. "How was school darling?"

"It was okay; I got an A on the last biology test."

"Oh Honey! You know we expect you..." I cut her off.

"To get an A*. I know mum," I quickly changed the subject. "Mr Clarke wants me to tutor this boy in maths."

"Oh really, who?"

"This guy called Eric..." What was his last name again? "Monroe... I think"

"Monroe...Oh! That's who your father works for."


"Listen honey, I know you'll do a great job of this but please treat the boy politely, I'm worried your father's job might be at stake." At stake? Surely, mum was just being a little dramatic, but then I realise, Eric could easily get my father fired.

I gulp, suddenly feeling nervous about tutoring Eric. "Don't worry mum. You can count on me!" I salute.

Mum smiles, "So when's your first session?"

I hadn't thought of that, I didn't want to see Eric so soon but I knew mum was worried. "Maybe after school tomorrow."

"Let me know when you leave school." My mum was super overprotective. She had to know when, where, who and why all the time.

I went to my room, found the piece of paper at the bottom of my bag and dialled the number on my tiny, useless phone. It took a few rings for him to pick up.

"Hello." He said.

"Hi, it's Eloise."

"Couldn't wait to call me, could you?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Actually, I just thought we could have the first session tomorrow, after school, bye."

Before I could hang up he said, "Wait, wait," and like he asked I waited patiently but he just said a quick "Bye," and hung up.

'Well, that was weird.'



I have a Biology test tomorrow. I'd really like the A that Eloise got. Ha, Ha.

Wouldn't mind an A* either.

Thing is to get good grades, you need to revise, not write stories on Wattpad.


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