7- It Was A Car Called SXY!

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7- It Was A Car Called SXY!

I was on my way to school next morning, sipping on a bottle of pink lemonade to wake me up.

I hated walking so liked to pass time by making things up in my head, my personal favourite was the car naming game. It was simple, you just had to look out for the last three letters on the number plate and that would be its name.

So I was playing this game, when a shiny black pulled up beside me. This wasn't any car, it was a car called SXY!

I felt the urge to spit out my drink but that could get messy. So stupidly, I chose to gulp it down... and ended up choking.

Immediately I felt a big hand slapping my back, which only made me cough more.Then I felt the hands snake around my stomach and push me against the strangers' chest.

'Oh. My. God. I'm going to die. I'm being kidnapped.'

I struggled and managed to kick the stranger away. Once I was out of his hold, I looked up, and saw Eric. I flushed, 'Why the hell did he do that?'

"What on earth are you doing?" I splutter.

"It's called an abdominal thrust," he shrugs, "Want to tell me what happened back there?"

"Sexy...car," I mumbled, my words not making any sense.

Eric looked back at the car; I followed his gaze and saw that there was another guy in the car who looked a lot like Eric, if Eric had a beard.

"So you think the car is sexy?" He pouted, "What about me?"

"Ew, no!" I pushed him aside and carry on walking to school.

I expected Eric to get back in the car, but a few seconds later he caught up to me.

"Aren't you going to drive to school with sexy."

As soon as it came out of my mouth, I blushed. Why did I always have to say what was on my mind?

"Did you just call my brother sexy? He's taken but I'm not." He wriggled his eyebrows.

'Yes you are, you have Susan,' I couldn't help thinking

"No,no,no! Thats just what the car is called."


So, Eric and I walked to school together, as I told him about the car naming game, gaining a few weird looks from the public as I think I said the word 'sexy' a few times too many.

"So yeah, that's what I do to pass time." I finish my story.

Eric shakes his head his head and chuckles, "You're a weird one El."

I frown 'a weird one'? I'm not that weird.


Actually, don't answer that question.

"Oh yeah El, did you steal my stuff yeterday?" He looked at me accusingly.

"No," I said, instantly thinking of how I'd tried on his jacket, a faint blush rose to my cheeks.

"Really?" Eric smiled at me, as if he enjoyed seeing me squirm.

"Okay, I have your jacket not the rest of your stuff I swear, all of it was gone before I got there." I said without taking any breaths.

"So, what were you doing with it. I bet you were cuddling it , thinking of me." He smirked.

"Ew! No!" My blush went deeper, I did cuddle with it but I wasn't thinking of him.

What? Don't look at me like that, the jacket was just really comforting, thats all.

I was glad the conversation was over as we reached the school gates and went our seperate ways.

I headed over to my locker and saw Giselle, "Hey G," I said.

"You sound really cheery." Giselle said with an eyebrow raised.

"Can't I be cheery?" I asked honestly.

"Well yeah, but not so it practically radiates off of you," she paused and looked over my shoulder. "Don't look know, but Eric Monroe is staring at you."

"Really?" I wonder what he wants but before I can turn my head to face him, Giselle slaps my head back in her direction.

"Ow G! Was that really necessary?" I yell. The slap didn't hurt but friends don't randomly slap friends in the middle of the corridor.

"I said don't look." She stated as-a-matter-of-factly.

Was this girl crazy?

I roll my eyes, then somehting pops into my head. "G, do you know anyone called Susan."

"Yup, but you can see for yourself, she's talking to Eric right now." Giselle points in the direction of Eric.

A petite blonde girl with wavy hair that flows down her back was talking to Eric. She was relatively pretty but it was her posture that annoyed me, her back was arched so that her boobs were directly under Eric's bruised nose and it didn't surprise me that he stole a few glances at them. She had a masssive cloth bag and passed it to him.

He gingerly took it and pulled out one of its contents. It was his maths book the one that went missing along with all of his stuff yesterday.

Now how on earth did she get those...

I didn't really care to be honest.

Just then, she turned away and saw me looking. She flashed me a sickly sweet smile.

The features of her face, they looked familiar, as if I'd seen a relative of hers before...


Super long chapter just for you guys.

I'm pooped.

Had about 6 hours of sleep last night.

By the way if you didn't get it, SXY= sexy.

I think this is no longer G rated.

Please Vote and Comment.

Far-Car. (I really need to change that name.)

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