School & A friend?:0

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So sorry I havent updated guys, i have my GCSE's starting next week so this might be the last update for a while, i'll try when I have time but I can't promise anything. Thanks for being so patient for this update I thought no one read this until I saw that I had 1,233 reads :0 thankyou so much i love you all! <3

Luci xx


*Mias POV*

Today is my first day at school, I'm really nervous. I always got bullied in my old school, it was a living hell. Maybe it will be better over here, nope probably the same old boring shit. I got up out of bed not wanting to think about it any longer, I got my new school uniform ready and walked into the shower. once I was all dressed and ready I went into my room to apply some light make-up.

I really couldnt be bothered to eat breakfast this morning I was too nervous, i'd end up throwing it up anyway so I waited in my room with my DEMI CD playing, not wanting Jai to know I was ready and tell me to come for breakfast so I played it quietly. Well that didnt work, Jai came into my room and told me that breakfast was ready. I made my way downstairs as slowly as i could ready to be faced with a fattening breakfast.

"Mia, I made some eggs and toast" I internally groaned as he placed it infront of me, as the smell reached my nose I felt a pulse through my body, I ran to the bathroom and threw up all of last nights dinner, I hadent purged in a while and I was dissapointed in myself but I was just having a bad day. Jai was standing by the door waiting for me, there was no need for him to hold my hair up as it was already in a messy bun ready for hel- school.

I returned to the kitchen whilst Jai was rubbing my back comforting me, he handed me a carton of fresh orange juice as he knew I wouldnt be able to stomach anything right now.

It was time to go to school, Jai offered to get beau to drive me but i'd rather walk to clear my head. Jai gave me a hug and kissed my forhead as he told me to have a great day and I left for school. I walked the way Jai had told me, listening to my music as I went. i arrived at the school gates and I walked up to the office and they handed me my schedule and locker number. I had form first so I went to room 21 where everyone was already seated, I walked in and was made to inroduce myself to the class. It was horrible, 29 pairs of eyes staring at me ughh.

I slowly trudged over to the only availiable seat, sitting next to me was a brown haired, blue eyed girl, she looked nice, maybe this would be okay. It turned out the 'brown haired, blue eyed' girl was called sophia and she was super nice, we got along really well. I had every class with her and it felt like I had known her for ages after the 6 hours I spent with her. Sophia didnt have any friends at Penola before I came so now shes happy too!

The bell rang, me and sophia made our way out of the gates, chatting away. Chloe was coming over tonight and I couldnt wait to tell her and the boys that I made a new friend. I said bye to sophia as we left to walk different ways. I plugged in my earphones thinking about my day at school. I was starving, I didnt have any dinner at school, thats the bonus of going really, i wouldnt have to eat and the boys wouldnt know about it. Before I knew it i was home.

I opened the door and threw my bag down on the sofa. Daniel and Beau we're playing X-box in there but as soon as I entered they got up and englufed me into a hug asking how my day was. "It was good, school is school but I made an AMAZING friend called sophia and shes really nice"

" Way to go kiddo" daniel replied giving me a high five. Beau just clung on tighter to the hug and then messed my hair as he released me. These boys give me so much love, the love that i can never remeber getting when I was younger, im sure my mum loved me but I suppose i'm too young to remember her. Next I went to see James, he was in the garden with Luke and Jai catching the sun whilst it lasted. I repeated my story to the three of them and they also gave me a massive hug, I suppose they were glad that I made a friend.

I went upstairs to my room to quickly do the one piece of homework I was given today, just in time before chloe came over. About 20 minuted later Chloe arrived and we all talked downstairs for a while until me and chloe retreated upstairs to my room. We were just talking about everything a girl talks about, cute guys and just girl stuff. Chloe grabbed my phone and i reached to grab it off her, i dont have anything to hide but i just dont like people going thorugh my phone, you get me? As I reached over chloe gasped, I moved my eyes slowly to my wrists where she was looking. I quickly pulled away and ran to the bathroom and locked myslef in. as soon as the realisation hit me i started to sob uncontrollably.

I can't believe Chloe saw my cuts and scars, she going to hate me shell think im a freak and she won't want to be my friend I can't believe I let this happen i'm so stupid I should of been more careful. Now the boys are going to know that i still cut and theyre gonna send me to treatment, i cant believe this is happening for fucks sake Mia why cant you do anything right?

I grabbed my trusty friend and place my blade over the fresh cuts and old scars that covered my wrist and before I could even think about it I already had 4 new cuts lined up on my arm, beaded blood rising to the top of them.

I could hear Chloe at the door but I knew she hated me after what she had seen. I dont know hy but i wanted James he gave amazing hugs and I suppose I needed a good old hug right now. I left the bathroom quietky after cleaning my arms up. I had tear stained cheeks but i didnt care i wanted James. Jai, Chloe and Beau all moved away from the door as I exited the bathroom, Jai called my name but i ignored him, i felt harsh but at this moment in time i couldnt care less. I ran over to James in the garden and wrapped my arms around him, sobbing. He hugged back quickly and i lay in his arms for the rest of the night with him whispering soothing things in my ear. God I do love James.

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