Chapter 6: Pray

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It was a hot and sunny day with a cloudless sky. The birds were chirping and the air was warm. Suko and Hidan began there journey to the church to do the ritual.They were travelling for about an hour now and Suko was getting tired. Hidan saw her trembling with sweat dripping down from her forehead to her chin. Hidan rolled his eyes at her. Suko's breathing became difficult so she decided to sit under a large tree to catch her breath. It took a while for Hidan to notice because he was still moving.

Hidan: Alright. We are almost at... (looks beside him and notices that Suko is not with him. Hidan stops moving and looks behind him. He sees Suko from afar sitting under a tree. He shouts) What the fuck, Suko!!?

Suko didn't have the breath in her to scream, so she waved at Hidan to come to her. Hidan rolled his eyes but reluctantly went back to Suko. He arrived and kneeled down at her level.

Hidan: You know, if you keep wasting fucking time like this we might never make it there. Lord Jashin doesn't like to have his time wasted.

Suko: (pants) How would you know? It's not like you told him I was coming? (Hidan crosses his arms and looks at Suko with a deadpan expression) Wait, you told him I was coming?

Hidan: I had to so he can at least give you some fucking mercy for your induction.

Suko: (pants) Mercy?

Hidan: It'll make sense later.

Suko: (pants softly) Wow. Then let's not waste more time (stands up) because I would like to make a good first impression.

Hidan: (stands up) That's the spirit. Let's go.

They continued their journey and it went quiet after that. They eventually reached the old church. They both entered through the creaking door. It was too dark to see the hallway and it was dusty. It had a gloomy atmosphere and there were spiderwebs hanging on every corner.

They slowly walk in further. There were some rusty Jashin necklaces hanging on the walls with dried blood smeared on them. They walked into this big open space in the church that had some light coming in from the cracked ceiling. In the centre of it was a large scale of the Jashin symbol painted with blood.

Many questions ran through Suko's head. It made her question how her life choices has taking such an interesting turn. From abandoning her village to joining Jashinism. She didn't know if joining Jashinism would be a death defining curse or an immortal blessing.

Hidan was feeling rather excited because he felt like he made his god proud by finding another person in this shinobi world who is interested in taking part in Jashinism. Hidan knelt down and prayed for a short while. Suko stood still, deciding not to interrupt him.

Hidan: (stands up) Now we can enter. (Walks to the Jashin symbol)

Suko: (walks with Hidan) Why were you praying?

Hidan: I wanted to let Lord Jashin know that we have arrived so that the ritual can begin. (Suko nods in understanding. They both stop walking) Alright, there are just a few things I want from you.

Suko: (crosses her arms) I'm not giving you my pussy, Hidan. Let it go.

Hidan: (startles) What? Where did that come from?

Suko: I don't know. You tell me.

Hidan: But... I wasn't even gonna ask that.

Suko: I know. I was just joking. Your reaction was beautiful. (Grins)

Hidan: (shakes his head in disappointment) Not cool. (Suko giggles) Anyway, what I want from you is just some basic and important info about yourself.

Suko: Like what?

Hidan: Like your birthday, your full name, your likes, your dislikes, your fears. That type of shit.

Suko: Alright.

Hidan: But only start saying that stuff when I tell you to. In the meantime, go stand at the centre of the symbol and wait until I tell you to speak.

Suko: Alright.

Suko walks at the large scale Jashin symbol. She felt nervous standing on something that looks like it glows in the dark. Suko felt shivers in her spine by just looking at it.

Hidan: Suko, start talking!

Suko: My name is Suko Utsukushi, my date of birth is 8 October, I'm a rogue ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village, my ninja rank is Jounin, I have completed 209 missions. My favourite food is seafood, my least favourite is anything bitter. I'm 21 years old. Anything else, Hidan?

Hidan: You forgot about how you look and your fears, weaknesses and goals.

Suko: Really? Doesn't Lord Jashin know how I look?

Hidan: (sighs) Don't question it, just do it!

Suko: Fine. Umm..... I have short brown hair, I am 5 foot 9 inches tall, I have brown eyes, my skin tone is basically the same as Hidan's and I have a small birthmark on my lower back. My fear is being buried alive. My goal is to become an Akatsuki member, that's already been accomplished. My weaknesses is.... (looks down) is... (pauses and says softly) It's love. (Normal voice) Is that all Hidan?

Hidan: Yeah, that's about it. Now wait for moment.

Hidan did a set of hand signs and placed his hands on the Jashin symbol. The Jashin symbol glew in a dark red colour around Suko. Suko's vision was getting blurry. she rubbed her eyes and before she knew, all she could see was darkness. Suko felt nervous and a bit scared being surrounded by an empty void.

Suko: (shouts) Hello! Anyone here!

She heard her own voice echoing in the void. Suko felt more scared then nervous. Out of nowhere, a bright white light flashed into Suko's eyes. She covered her eyes with her arm. Once the light faded, the void around her changed into a bloody red colour.

From a distance she could see a dark silhouette forming. The silhouette started small until it morphed into a shape as big as a mountain. It has a creepy looking face and dark crimson eyes that looks right through your soul. Suko was speechless in fear.

Jashin: Suko Utsukushi.

The deep rattling voice of the silhouette sent vibrations that Suko felt in her rib cage.

Jashin: I've been waiting for you...

To be continued...

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