Chapter 9: Answer

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Suko decided to wake up a little early today because she would like to know more of the structural content of the hideout. She went exploring every inch of the hideout without leaving any spot unchecked. She eventually got bored. Suko waited for everyone by sitting on the old yet new looking brown leather couch.

The first one to come down the stairs was Tobi. Suko and Tobi were having a great and long lasting conversation until Suko's stomach growled in hunger. She held her belly while blushing in embarrassment while Tobi was laughing.

The next person to come down the stairs was Kakuzu. Kakuzu didn't want to talk, he just came in the living room with a silver briefcase. Suko stared at the briefcase in wonder and went a little closer to observe what's inside. In the briefcase was his bounty money from the previous mission. Kakuzu was counting his money to see how much was in it and to make sure that all the money was present.

The next person to wake up was Itachi. Itachi looked messy, it was quite noticeable with his hair. He went to the kitchen but Suko stood in front of him.

Itachi: (sighs) Out of the way.

Suko: (raises her eyebrow) That's it? No greetings, no waves, no eye contact, no 'how are you'. Just like that?

Itachi: (scoffs) My apologies. Hello Suko.

Suko: (smiles) That's much better. Hello Itachi. How are you?

Itachi: I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you?

Suko: I'm doing okay. You should do that more often.

Itachi: I'll think about it.

Itachi walked past her and Suko was yet again bored. Tobi already left for a mission so there was no one to talk to. She went to the kitchen to make something to eat, hoping that it would pass the time. When she was done, she went back to the living room and decided to meditate to.

The next person to come down the stairs was Hidan. Hidan was yawning loudly while stretching his arms. He went to the kitchen and took a bottle of beer out of the fridge. He drank it pretty quickly. He pulled out another bottle and drank that quickly as well.

When Hidan finished that last bottle, Deidara came down the stairs. Hidan was about to pull out another bottle but he realised he drank the last one. He was upset about it but composed himself. Deidara was about to greet Suko but before he could open his mouth, Hidan spoke out loud.

Hidan: (shouts) Hey Kakuzu! We ran out of beer!

Kakuzu: (continues counting his money) And?

Hidan: Go buy some more! We need more beer!

Kakuzu: (rolls his eyes and puts the money back in the briefcase) You're lucky I was gonna go grocery shopping. (Stands up with the briefcase) You owe me for this.

Hidan: Yeah yeah, whatever.

Kakuzu: I mean it. You owe me.

Hidan: (shouts) Alright, fine! Just go get the beer!

Kakuzu rolled his eyes again and left the hideout with his briefcase. Suko opened her eyes from meditating because she lost concentration from Hidan's shouting. She slowly turned her head to look at Hidan with death glares. Deidara noticed this and understood why she would pull that face to Hidan. Hidan saw Suko's glare.

Hidan: What?

Deidara: I think you were too loud, hmm.

Hidan: Me?

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