c e l l 36 ° Broken voices

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The kind of voices that are broken .

The kind of voices that quiver
while composing poetry .

The kind of voices that are always
so timid to hear distinctly .

The kind of voices that are afraid ,

the kind of voices that are
haunted by ache ,

the kind of voices that are scarred .

The kind of voices that speak so less ,

but when do , speak words that

send a shiver down your spine ,

a tickle through your forehead

and your breathing gets caught

in your throat ,

and all you want to do ,

is to let your every particle in your

body to dance and twirl to the

music of that voice -

The curtain of your eyes dropping ,

your arms raising and reaching

towards the sky above ,

the toes of your feet suddenly are

strong enough to be moved on with

harmony and grace and pain and love

and beauty and scars and melancholy

and intoxication and obsession and a

weird- weird -peculiar -very peculiar

kind of - happiness , levity , joy ...

Those kind of voices ...

Hallelujah .

Hallelujah .

Hallelujah .

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